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     在北祁连的百经寺地区,变沉积岩包裹有榴辉岩透镜体,局部可见榴辉岩和变沉积岩互层产出。变沉积岩主要为石榴蓝闪石(绿辉石)多硅白云母石英片岩、硬绿泥石石榴多硅白云母石英片岩和变硅质岩等,峰期温压条件为T=450-520℃,P=1.9-2.3 GPa,与相邻榴辉岩的温压条件一致。
     4个变沉积岩中的碎屑锆石年龄主要集中在480-560 Ma和1800 Ma左右。Hf同位素特征显示,480-560 Ma年龄的碎屑锆石的~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf比值较高,εHf(t)值为正,部分接近亏损地幔εHf值(16.4),U-Pb年龄与单阶段、双阶段模式年龄相近,表明这些锆石没有经历明显的再循环演化过程,与古祁连洋的开启或弧增生活动有关;年龄为1800 Ma的碎屑锆石~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf值相对较低,εHf(t)值大多在零值附近,以老的单阶段模式年龄以及双阶段模式年龄为特征,结合区域资料,这些锆石应来自相邻的前寒武纪陆块。综合地质、地球化学及年代学资料,这些榴辉岩相变沉积岩的原岩不是形成于典型的洋壳环境,而可能形成于洋壳俯冲带之上的弧前盆地,并在北祁连早古生代洋壳俯冲过程中,通过俯冲(构造)剥蚀作用被运移到俯冲带中,俯冲到60-70 km深处,发生榴辉岩相变质作用。
In the HP/LT belt of North Qilian Mountains, eclogitic metamorphism is always recorded in the basaltic rocks and eclogites were previously regarded as the product of the sea floor subduction. However, present study reveals that elcogitic minereal assemblages are not only recorded in the basaltic rocks, but also in the metasedimentary rocks, which are the host rock of eclogites.
     In this paper, we present new Petrological, geochemical and age data for metasedimentary rocks from Baijingsi area, North Qilian Mountains, in which typical early-Paleozoic ophiolitic sequences and HP/LT metamorphic rocks have been previously recognized. The studied metasedimentary rocks contain eclogitic facies assemblages reflecting PT conditions of 450-520℃and 1.9-2.3 GPa, consistent with those of adjacent eclogites.
     Geochemical data indicate that the precursor rocks of the metasedimentary rocks were immature sediments formed in continental margin or island arc environments. Zircons from 4 eclogitic metasedimentary samples were separated for U-Pb and Lu-Hf dating. The data demonstrate detrital zircon ages concentrate in 480-560 Ma and around ca.1800 Ma, suggesting that they derived from the mixture of Paleoproterozoic continent basement and Late Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic oceanic materials, which were probably accreted into active continental margin during subduction. These data implies that subduction erosion of the active continental margin occurred, as these sediments, formed in the upper plate (fore-arc basin or accretionary prism), were transported into the subduction zone to 60-70 km depth prior to their exhumation.
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