麦冬Ophiopogon japonicus (L.f.)野生居群细胞学与遗传多样性研究
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麦冬(Ophiopogon japonicus (L.f.) Ker-Gawl)属于百合科沿阶草属,是多年生草本植物,作为沿阶草属的模式种,也是该属内分布最为广泛的种。前人研究表明重庆金佛山地区麦冬存在丰富的染色体数目变异。本研究对该处投影面积约为0.5平方公里,海拔高度在750-900米的区域内分布的麦冬进行穷尽式的采样。通过对金佛山生境的调查,麦冬染色体水平的探究、基因组水平的审视分析麦冬野生居群内变异和同域物种形成的可能性。实验结果以及论证如下:
As a perennial herb, Ophiopogon japonicus belongs to Ophiopogon in liliaceae family. It is a model and most widely distributed species of Ophiopogon. Previous researches indicated that O. japonicus from Mt. Jinfoshan in Chongqin had profuse variation in chromosome number. Hence, we exhaustively sampled in Mt. Jinfoshan, the projection area of which is 0.5 square meter and altitude is 700-900 meter. Through investigating the habitat niche in Mt. Jinfoshan, studying O.japonicus both in the choromosome level and genomic level, this research showed that:
     1, Abundant variation of somatic chromosome number existed in O. japonicus. Chromosome counting exposes two basic chromosome numbers(x=17&18 respectively) and ploidy variation like diploid, tetraploid, pentaploid, hexaploid frequently happended in this population
     2, The result of FISH(Fluorescent in situ hybridization) showed that tetraploid has 2 pairs of signals.
     3, The genomic data from amplification by primers based on convallariae that is a closely related genera of O. japonicus and self-designed primers according to EST-SSR revealed the distinct divergence between these individuals with different chromosome basic number.
     Variation in chromosome basic number resulted in the reproductive isolation and contributes the species of x=17 and x=18 divergent into two species. Here we provide a new support of sympatric speciation in a case study of instantaneous speciation model in sibling species of O. japonicus. At last, protections for plant germplasm resources and genetic diversities are proposed basing on our research.
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