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以青菜((Brassica Chinensis L.)品种杭州油冬儿为材料,研究了光照、水分、氮素三因素互作效应对其物质生产的影响作用。充足的水分供应和100%自然光照(H1 L3)条件下提高了干物质积累的能力,低水平供氮和光照强度的提高有利于蔬菜较少地积累硝酸盐。在100%施氮量和充足的水分供应条件下(N4H1),32%自然光照(L2)下硝酸盐含量是100%自然光照(L3)的1.70倍。自然光照条件还能显著提高氮素代谢相关酶活性,利于氮素的同化过程进行,可溶性糖含量明显增加,利于蔬菜品质的改善。在100%施氮量和充足的水分供应条件下(N4H1),32%自然光照(L2)下硝酸还原酶、谷氨酸脱氢酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶活性分别仅为100%自然光照(L3)的35%,56%和65%。研究结果表明在充足水分供应和自然光照前提下,施氮量可以降低至Hoagland-Arnon培养液标准用量的60%而干物质积累不受影响,这对达到减少施氮量的目标意义重大。
     以黄瓜(Cucumissativus L.)品种博美11号、番茄(Lycopersicon esculentumMill)品种种旺九号为材料,分别采用南方与北方土壤研究了水分、氮素、光照三因素互作效应对其物质生产的影响作用。研究表明,高光照条件对黄瓜、番茄植株的生长至关重要。给予高光照的优势不仅表现在利于产量的增长,还对品质的优化有突出影响。在相同的施氮量前提下,给予高光强的黄瓜、番茄植株结出的果实均含有较高的可溶性糖和维生素C含量,以及较低的硝酸盐含量。在350Kgha~(-1)。施氮水平(N2)下,全光照(L3)时黄瓜、番茄积累的可溶性糖含量分别是弱光(L1)时的1.3倍和1.6倍,而弱光(L1)时黄瓜、番茄的硝酸还原酶活性分别仅为自然光照(L3)时的29%和10%。在充足的光照供应以及适当的土壤水分条件下,氮素的施用量可以从600 Kgha~(-1)降低到350 Kgha~(-1),而对植株的产量未有显著影响,这一结果对改变目前我国农业生长现状,促进减氮节能意义重大。
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of different light intensities and nitrogen supply levels with different water stress on the biomass of Brassica Chinensis L. (Hangzhou you dong er) by a hydroponic experiment. The results showed that the dry biomass of the cabbages at 0%[w/v]PEG、100% natural light intensity (H1 L3) was significantly higher than in weak light intensity and water stress treatments under the same nitrogen treatment. Decreased nitrate was achieved in low nitrogen supply and high light intensity level. An almost 1.7-fold increase in nitrate content was found in plants at the 100% nitrogen supply and 0%PEG level (N4H1), compared with weak light intensity(L1).Under high light intensity, the plant has a high content of soluble sugar and increased nitrogen assimilation capacity. For plants grown on full nitrogen supply level and 0%PEG (N4H1) condition, Nitrate reductase, Glutamate dehydrogenase, Glutamine synthetase activity showed 65%、44% and 35% lower in weak light intensity(L2) condition than in high light intensity condition(L3). An optimal yield was reached at 60% of the traditional nitrogen application in the presence of adequate high light intensity supply and normal water content.
     We also evaluate the effect of different light intensities and nitrogen supply levels with different soil on the yield of Cucumissativus L. (Bomei 11) and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill (Zhongwang 9). The results show that high light intensity was especially important to the growth of the fruits. Under high light intensity, the plants had a high content of soluble sugar、ascorbic acid and low content of nitrogen. An almost 1.3-fold and 1.6-fold increase in soluble sugars was found in cucumber and tomoto at the 350Kgha~(-1) nitrogen supply level (N2) and high light intensity treatment (L3), weak light intensity (L1).While Nitrate reductase decreased by 71% and 90% respectively in weak light intensity (L1) compared with high light intensity treatment (L3). An optimal yield was reached at 60% of the traditional nitrogen application (350 Kgha~(-1)) in the presence of adequate high light intensity supply and soil water content. Modulating the relationship between water stress, light intensity and nitrogen supply level could increase the biomass and promote the quality of the plant.
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