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The influence of Quintessence to Schwarzschild black hole is discussed in this paper. Recently, Quintessence as one of dark energy candidates has been one of the "hot-spots" in physics field. In modern physics, another attractive object is black hole. The investigation of the influence of Quintessence to Schwarzschild black hole will help us further understand some properties of dark energy and black hole.
     In this paper, the contribution of Quintessence and the mass of the scale field to quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black hole is researched at first. The quasinormal frequencies of the massive scalar field in the background of a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by Quintessence are evaluated with the third-order WKB method. It is found that the quasinormal modes are greatly influenced by the Quintessence and the mass of scalar filed, because the introduction of the Quintessence and the mass of scalar field leads to less damping of the quasinormal modes. Moreover, the real part of the frequencies linearly increases, while the magnitude of imaginary part linearly decreases as the mass of scalar field increases. And the quasinormal frequencies have a limited value, so it is easier to detect the quasinormal by experiment. It is possible to investigate some properties of Quintessence and black hole by the experiment datum. Consequently, it can be used to conjecture the properties of dark energy.
     In this paper, how the Quintessence affects the entropy of black hole is also discussed. The entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole with Quintessence is calculated by using the thin layer brick-wall model. It is found that due to the present of Quintessence, the entropy of the system becomes 1/4 of the sum of the areas of the two events horizons. In other words, the contribution to the entropy of the system is not only from the black hole horizon but also from the cosmological horizon. It is also noted that the entropy of the system is related to the amount of Quintessence contained in the universe. The main reason is that Quintessence generate the cosmological horizon and change the isolated black hole horizon, which induce that the entropy of the system becomes 1/4 of the sum of the areas of the two events horizons. This reconfirms that there is an internal relation between the event horizon and the entropy, and also reveals what is the brick-wall model.
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