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     (2)在电量热器制冷循环性能实验台上,分别对工质R407C和HFC-161/227ea(51.3/48.7 wt%)进行了变工况制冷性能测试。工况变化范围是:蒸发温度从-10℃变化到10℃,冷凝温度从35℃变化到54.4℃。分别得到了工质R407C和HFC-161/227ea(51.3/48.7 wt%)在上述工况范围内的一套完整的制冷循环基本参数。
     通过对比工质R407C和HFC-161/227ea(51.3/48.7 wt%)部分循环参数后发现:在上述工况范围内,HFC-161/227ea(51.3/48.7 wt%)的制冷量均小于R407C,在部分工况范围内,HFC-161/227ea(51.3/48.7 wt%)的COP优于R407C,其突出的循环性能优点是其排气温度低。
The disadvantages of the traditional refrigerants on environmental protection and the difficulties in exploring the pure refrigerant make alternative refrigerant researchers focus their eyes on HFCs mixtures.
     Among HFCs mixtures, HFC-161 is a kind of environmental benign refrigerant with excellent thermal properties. In this work, HFC-161 was employed as the main component, and HFC-227ea was introduced as an antiflaming component. The binary mixture HFC-161/227ea was first put forward as a new refrigerant mixture in this thesis.
     Thermal properties and cycle performance of HFC-161/227ea mixture were studied by a theoretical model. The calculation results show that the basic cycle performance parameters, such as COP and discharge temperature, overmatch R407C. Theoretical optimization on mixture ratio was conducted and the HFC-161/227ea (50/50 wt %) was recommended as the most potential alternative refrigerant to R407C.
     Under a set of working conditions, the head-to-head performance rating tests between HFC-161/227ea (51.3/48.7 wt %) and R407C were conducted on the electric calorimeter apparatus designed according to GB5773-2004.
     The experimental results confirmed that the discharge temperature of HFC-161/227ea (51.3/48.7 wt %) was enormously less than that of R407C in the whole test working conditions; the experimental results also confirmed that the refrigeration capacity of HFC-161/227ea (51.3/48.7 wt %) was less than that of R407C. The COP of the HFC-161/227ea (51.3/48.7 wt %) was not always higher than R407C in some of the test conditions.
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