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China's private enterprises (PTEs) are facing the second undertaking and development now. When they carry out their expansion strategy, existing theory and model of expansion cannot guarantee them to expend quickly without tremendous risk. Many private enterprises fell in dilemma. So, probe to the new expansion model seems to be very urgent. Theory of core competence which is the newest result of Management Science with Economics is a powerful tool to set up the new model. Some literatures about enterprise expansion in later years have put forward sharing of core competences, and studied it in some extent. We can also see a very few researches on expansion based on core competence in China. But study on sharing of core competence is very few, the research of expansion model of the PTEs based on sharing of core competence is still the leading research area of the theory. So based on the theory of core competence etc and by using game and econometric methods, the dissertation studied mainly the theoretic frame
    work of sharing core competences, the theory support and practical possibilities of PTEs' expansion model based on sharing of core competences, the model of interior expansion and exterior expansion of PTEs based on sharing of core competences and so on.
    (1) The dissertation defined the sharing core competence by uniting the original meaning of sharing with relevant concept of Sharing for the first time. By means of the thorough research on definition of sharing core competence , judging criterion , relevant literature and example , pointed out that the core competence possess the fundamental property of sharing. Since the birth of the core competence theory , sharing core
    competence has been content of the core competence theory. However at the moment we cannot find the systematic study on it Based on this, it studied the logic, management model and procedure, risks and environment of sharing. So it built up the theory framework of sharing core competences.
    (2) Having analyzed the current situation of China's private enterprises by means of a lot of data, the dissertation discussed the theoretical feasibilities and advantage of the PTE expansion model based on sharing of core competences by using theory of Knowledge Management , Expansion and Transaction Cost Theory, Theory of Core Competence and Competition Strategy. In this part, the author built up a dynamic game model about the PTEs' sharing core competences, and gave out the Standard Bargaining Solution of transfer in the sharing process and the equilibriums and its realizing conditions of two periods game, infinite periods game and game with uncertain end date. The results stated clearly the two sharing parties can decide the compensation of sharing core competences by signing a contract, and use suitable strategy such as introducing warning factor P in practical process to make the cooperation and sharing to become an equilibrium strategy.
    (3) From the framework on, the dissertation carried out a empirical study of the expansion model by using econometric method to analyze the data of China's private chain stores. The results show that PTEs can benefit from sharing core competence. The dissertation also did cases study on several foreign enterprises and China's PTEs. Cases covered various forms of two main classifications of expansion. It included interior sharing, exterior sharing, M&A, strategy alliance and chain store. The cases study verified the theory framework of sharing of core
    competences and fully reveled the importance of sharing of core competences in PTEs' expansion, got a conclusion that private enterprises' expansion should start mainly from sharing core competences and must combine interior with exterior sharing of core competences. It also provided a basic thinking of the private enterprises' expansion based on sharing of core competences. From this point on, the comparing and analyzing of various PTEs' expansion model stated clearly the model of sharing core competences is the best one.
    (4) The dissertation a
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