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This paper does research on knowledge-oriented organizational operation pattern for enterprises and do empirical analysis, based on analyzing the interior and exterior environment for the enterprise's surviving. This paper expatiate the concept of knowledge, knowledge management, intellectual capital and intellectual capital management. And also, the paper does research on character of enterprises under the knowledge environment in the condition that the summarizing the basic theory of intellectual capital for operation and other relative organization theories. What's more, the paper conducts the system of organizational operation pattern for enterprises based on aspect of corporation strategy for developing, organization structure, organizational operation route, organization motivation and organization performance assessment etc..
    First of all, the paper does research on the developing strategy of organizing from the view point of operation pattern for enterprises under the knowledge. Then after analyzing the signification and character of the developing strategy, this paper conducts the knowledge-oriented process model for realizing the strategy, from the view point of enterprises' operation.
    Secondly, on the basis of explaining the enterprise's problem distribution using concept of knowledge, the paper constructs the knowledge-oriented mathematical model and enterprise's fraction mode theoretically, this faces enterprise's hierarchy. Then it analyses the knowledge-oriented structure of interior market network and the operation characteristic of dynamic alliance connected by intellectual capital.
    Thirdly, the concept of intellectual capital and the system of human capital, structural capital and market capital is studied with knowledge being considered. And by that, the knowledge-oriented operation route for enterprises is constructed, which consist of reciprocity of human capital, structural capital and market capital, so forms a mechanism for configuring resource and operating organization.
    Aim at the character of the enterprises in which the decision-making right is transferred to the basic unit, and match with the knowledge distribution, the paper construcst the double level enterprise interior motivate pattern mathematically.
    Furthermore, knowledge-oriented analysis pattern of enterprise performance assessment is constructed, which emphasizes organizational intelligence and by means of organization's harmony, also the five "organizational dimensions", which aimed at the production of the organization's operation. The paper utilized the AHP principle and the
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