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     探讨性激素在围绝经期及绝经后女性家庭主妇手部湿疹(Housewife's HandDermatitis,HWHD)患者发病中的作用及其机制,以观察中老年女性卵巢功能衰退是否成为影响HWHD发生、发展及转归的重要因素之一,为临床家庭主妇手部湿疹的治疗提供理论依据和新的治疗方案。
     2、采用双抗体放射免疫分析法对病例组和正常对照组的雌二醇(Estrogen,E2)、卵泡刺激素(Follicle Stimulating Hormone,FSH)、黄体生成素(LuteinizingHormone,LH)、睾酮(Testosterone,T)、孕激素(Progesterone,P)及催乳素(Prolactin,PRL)进行测定,比较二者之间有无统计学意义。
     3、对患者皮损做详细检查,并依照手部湿疹严重程度评分表(Hand eczemaseverity Index,HECSI)进行量化评分,对HECSI评分与雌二醇进行线性相关统计学分析。
     Housewife's Hand Dermatitis(HWHD) is a special term which is used to describe a kind of hand eczema ,which is mostly found among house-wives ,especially who are in greater contact with soap,detergents and water and still deal with housework. Housewife's Hand Dermatitis is a chronic irritant contact dermatitis .The aim of our study is to investigate the serum hormone level among patients and healthy women and explore the action and mechanism of hormone in HWHD .
     1、A survey of HWHD ,based on a questionnair, was carried out among 45 female patients.The questionnair includee questions on patient history,occupation, the frequence of household work, contacting materials ,antigents, patch testing, family allergic history ,etc.
     2、Bi-Antibodies Radioimmunoassy was used to measure the serum estrogen(Estrogen,E2),Follicle Stimulating Hormone(Follicle Stimulating Hormone,FSH) ,Luteinizing Hormone(Luteinizing Hormone,LH), Prolactin(Prolactin,PRL),Testosterone(Testosterone,T),Progesterone (Progesterone,P) among the 45 patients and 55 healthy women. And find the differences between the two groups.
     3、We examined and recorded the symtoms and locations of every patient by a Hand eczema severity Index (HECSI) detailedly.45 HWHD cases were investigated by a log-linear analysis method to evaluate the interaction of clinical manifestation and serum E2 levels.
     1、Exogenous factors: Contacting with detergents , excessive washing and physical friction were identified as causing or contributing to the HWHD in 45 female patients. 2、Personal and family allergic history: In the 45 cases of the observation group ,35 cases or their family were said to have allergic diaeases .
     3、Allergic test and patch test: In the 45 cases of the observation group ,30cases were detected to have positive allergic test reaction and 15 cases have positive patch test reaction.The main allergens were fish,shrimps,cracks,eggs,milk,farinate,et al in allergic test. There are 10 cases(40.00%) have 4 kinds of positive allergens,9 cases (4.00%) have kinds of positive allergens, 5 cases(20.00%) have 2 kinds of positive allergens, 1 cases(36.00%) have 1 kinds of positive allergens. 4、Clinical manifestation: All of the 45cases suffered from itch in different degrees and 43 cases of them were observed to be revolved in both hands (84.44%).
     5、According to the results of testing on hormone, observation group (44.13±33.18) showed significantly lower E2 levels than control values (57.12±3.78) , and the comparison between the two groups has significance (P<0.05). Otherwise, observation group (0.39±0.17) showed significantly higher T levels than control values(0.32±0.14), and the comparison between the two groups has significance (P<0.05). Both observation and control groups showed downtrends on P and PRL ,meanwhile both of the two groups showed uptrends on FSH and LH ,without significance (P>0.05).The cases of FSH/LH>1.0 in the observation group are more than control group.
     6、According to the FSH/LH values,45 cases of HWHD are classified into peri-menopausal and menopausal groups.Meanwhile ,we evaluated the r(Pearson Correlation Cofficients) between hormones and HESCI.In the two groups, the r of E2 and HESCI both are -0.699,which is indicated a negative relationship between E2 levels and clinical menifestations.
     1、The main exogenous factors of HWHD is contacting with water and slkalinechemical materials in detergents.
     2、35 cases of HWHD had once allergic diseases or allergic family history ,whichindicated the heritage hypersensitiveness and heterogeneity of being allergic to foodand chemical materials are the endogenous factors of HWHD.
     3、All of the 45cases suffered from itch in different degrees and 43 cases of them wereobserved to be revolved in both hands.Besides,the HWHD are mainly stay in thechronic periods.
     4、Observation group (44.13±33.18) showed significantly lower E2 levels thancontrol values (57.12±3.78) , and the comparison between the two groups hassignificance (P<0.05). Otherwise, observation group ( 0.39±0.17 ) showedsignificantly higher T levels than control values(0.32±0.14), and the comparisonbetween the two groups has significance (P<0.05). It is indicated that the decline of serum E2 level may cause the occurrence and relapse of HWHD.
     5、It is recognized that there is a negative relationship between E2 levels and clinical menifestations(P<0.05),which indicated that E2 may have adverse influence on the relapse and aggravation of HWHD.
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