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Enterprise Management Modes (EMMs) are objective and continuously evolutive.The evolution of EMMs mainly indicates the formation and reformation of managementmode at the same enterprise from the time dimension, and the transplantation ofmanagement mode among different enterprises from the spatial level. However, by virtueof reviewing relative literatures from domestic and abroad, available researches lack ofenough explanatory power for the issue of “How do EMMs evolve?” The fundamentalreason of leading to the above problem is short of valid analytical tools and framework.Based on this, this dissertation will try to give the answer through applying the thoughtconnotation and theoretical tools of evolutionary analysis. Based on the derivative ofmanagement, we think that management modes are the result of repeatedly adopting aparticular management function running mode and are continuously evolvingaccompanying with the changes of internal and external environmental factors ofenterprises. Therefore, it is not enough for explaining the internal mechanism andimplementation way of the evolution of EMMs by analyzing and inducing the managementphenomena, we must transcend the existence and find out the “genetype” hiding in themanagement phenomena.
     By virtue of reviewing relative literatures on routines, we can make the followingjudgments: routines not only carry and store internal knowledge and information ofenterprises, but also exist in the course of activities running of enterprises; routines cankeep stabilizing relatively and realize inter-generation inheritance because of theircharacteristics of modeling, repetitiveness, collectiveness and path-dependency; routinespossess the function of mutation because of their characteristics of process andcontext-dependence. Therefore, comparing with corporate culture, capabilities and rules,routines have more advantage of becoming “management gene”. After defining routines asthe basic analytical unit, this dissertation constructs the whole framework of analyzing theEMMs evolution by biological metaphor and analogy.
     Based on the above framework, this dissertation utilizes the logical reasoningapproach to prove up the internal mechanism and implementation way of the evolution byanalyzing routines evolution and their effectiveness. The main conclusions indicate thefollowing aspects: the replications of routines promote the modeling of enterprises’activities behavior, further lead to the formation of EMMs. The differences of structure andagency among enterprises in the course of routines generating lead to the divergence ofmanagement modes. The comparison of EMMs between IT enterprises lied in Road128 and Silicon Valley in1980s will be used as an example to verify the divergence due tostructural differences, and the comparison between Qingdao Haier CO.Ltd and SichuanChanghong Electric Co.Ltd will be used as an example to verify the divergence due toagency differences. Due to the changes of structure and agency, the mutation and selectionof routines will change enterprises’ previous routine sets, further lead to the change of theirmanagement modes. Suning Appliance Co.Ltd and Nissan Motor Co.Ltd will be used asexamples to verify the progressive change and radical change of EMMs. When objectiveroutines are successfully imitated, enterprise’ routine set will possess some similarcharacteristics with other enterprises, further lead to the transplantation and convergence ofEMMs. The globalization, the management output of transnational corporations, and thedevelopment of management education and research accelerate the convergence of EMMsaround the world since1980s.
     In order to further apply and verify the above conclusions, this dissertation will utilizehistorical analysis approach and population thinking approach to induce the phrases,characteristics, and path of EMMs evolution under the context of China based on theaspect of routines.
     This above research results will bring the following enlightenments: study on routinesnot only can answer the issue of “How do EMMs evolve?”, but also can be used toanalyze other issues, especially for comparative study and countermeasure study onenterprise management under different contexts.
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