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     重新排序问题是一种新型的排序模型。它有着重要的实际应用背景。生产部门根据自己的生产计划或是由客户提出的要求,在生产前一定时期内事先有一个作业方案,将已有的任务或订单按照某一规则安排好,使某一目标值最优。但是在即将开始生产之前或在生产过程中又有新的客户订单或任务到达。这时就要把新的任务和原有的还未加工的任务一起加工。为了不失信于对原客户的承诺或耽误原任务的完成,这就要求在原有的工件或任务的次序不至于打乱的过多的前提下,使得总的目标函数值达到最优。Hall和Potts(2004)在前人研究的基础上,系统地研究了重新排序问题。他们引入了序列错位(sequence disruption)和时间错位(time disruption)的概念,研究了在原来最优排序和任意排序的基础上重新排序,在原来排序的序列错位和时间错位不至于太大的情况下,使目标函数最优的问题。
     在线排序是指每个工件的信息在该工件到达之前是未知的。在工件的到达时间得到该工件的所有信息并允许对该工件进行加工;而且一旦决定工件的安排就不允许改变。而离线排序在安排所有工件之前便知道所有工件的信息。衡量一个在线排序算法最常用的指标是它的竞争度(competitiveness),即把在线排序算法的结果与对相同工件运用离线排序算法得到的最优排序的结果进行比较。更确切的说,我们用竞争比(competitive ratio)ρ来衡量一个在线排序算法的性能。对于使目标函数为最小的在线排序问题,竞争比ρ定义为对问题的所有实例的比值C/C_0的上确界,其中C和C_0分别表示由这个在线排序算法得到的目标函数值和相应的离线排序的最优值。
Scheduling is to allocate some jobs or tasks to some machines under a limited condition according to time order, and in order to optimize some objectives.
     Rescheduling is one of significant modern scheduling models and it is motivated by important applications. The problem of rescheduling in the face of dynamically arriving orders is faced constantly by manufacturing companies. The manufacturing companies have been made their production schedules in earlier according to their planes or some customers' call, and schedule the jobs by some rule to optimize some objective. However it frequently happens that additional orders arrive after a schedule has been developed. These orders must then be integrated into the schedule so as to optimize some measure of system performance without causing undue disruption in the shop. Based on some researches, Hall and Potts (2004) studied the problem of rescheduling and introduced the conception of disruptions. They considered the rescheduling problem to minimize the maximum lateness and total completion time under a limit on the disruption constraints.
     Multicriteria scheduling, as a way of multi-objective decision-making, plays an important role in solving complicated problems arising from economics, administration, engineering, etc.. For example, a factory administrator needs to arrange the jobs to be processed such that the total completion time is minimized firstly to reduce the processing cost and the tardy jobs are limited to a lowest level secondly, and to satisfy the clients. Multicriteria scheduling includes lexicographical optimization or hierarchical optimization, Pareto optimization and composite objective function optimization.
     On-line scheduling is a modern scheduling model, in which the job information may not be known in advance. A job becomes available for processing at its arrival time, and its processing time only becomes known upon its arrival. Once the jobs have been scheduled, the states of the jobs cannot be changed. In the off-line scheduling, the information of all jobs has been completely known in advance. The performance of an on-line algorithm is described by its competitiveness, i.e. the ratio of the result of the on-line algorithm and the optimal value of the off-line situation for the same jobs. Exactly, for the problem of minimizing objective, the competitive ratioρof an on-line algorithm is defined as the supremum of the ratio of C and C_0, where C and C_0 are the objective of scheduling obtained by the on-line algorithm and an optimal off-line algorithm, respectively.
     This paper includes four parts. In the first part, some spacial solvable cases of rescheduling models are considered (Chapter 2). In the second part, the new rescheduling models are studied (Chapter 3). In the third part, multi-criteria rescheduling models are discussed (Chapter 4). In the last part, on-line rescheduling problems are presented (Chapter 5).
     In Chapter 2, the following results are developed. (1) The rescheduling problem to minimize the maximum lateness or the total completion time under a limit on the disruption constraints when d_j, p_j are compatible or the original jobs are fixed order are solvable in polynomial time or pseudo-polynomial time. (2) The rescheduling problem to minimize the total tardiness under a limit on the disruption constraints when p_j = p or d_j = d are solvable in polynomial time or pseudo-polynomial time. (3) The rescheduling problem for jobs on a single machine to minimize total weighted completion time under a limit on the maximum disruption when p_j and w_j of the jobs are anticompatible are solvable in polynomial time or pseudo-polynomial time.
     In Chapter 3, the following results are developed. (1) The rescheduling problem for jobs on a single machine with release dates to minimize makespan under a limit on the maximum sequence disruption is solvable in polynomial time. (2) The rescheduling problem for jobs on a single machine with release dates to minimize makespan under a limit on the total sequence disruption can be solved in polynomial time. (3) The rescheduling problems for jobs on a single machine with release dates to minimize makespan under a limit on the maximum time disruption or the total time disruption are strongly NP-hard.
     Chapter 4 studies the multicriteria rescheduling problems. In this parts, the disruptions of the original jobs are regarded as an objective in the same as classical objectives. The rescheduling problems of hierarchical optimization, Pareto optimization and linear composite objective function optimization between the classical scheduling cost (such as C_(max), L_(max),∑w_jC_j) of all the jobs and the degree of the disruptions (D_(max)(π~*),Δ_(max)(π~*),∑D_j(π~*),∑Δ_j(π~*)) are considered. For some problems, we provide a polynomial or pseudo-polynomial time algorithm.
     Chapter 5 discusses the on-line rescheduling problems. In this parts, the original jobs have been arrived and sequenced by some rule, the new jobs arrive over time. For the online rescheduling problem to minimize the maximum lateness under a limit on the disruption constraints, a 2-competitive ratio algorithm is presented. For the online rescheduling problem to minimize makespan under a limit on the disruption constraints with release date, some |-competitive ratio algorithms are presented.
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