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     把后冲突转型国家政府与跨国公司(外商投资企业)作为参与博弈的双方,该博弈模型为文章提供了一个基本的理论分析框架;其中,转型国家调整结构的意愿和效果与跨国公司FDI战略存在着某种相关性。具体地说,东道国在其政治目标的实现与招商引资之间存在着某种替代关系,而跨国公司的目的则是选择最恰当的资本进入方式进入东道国,如跨国并购或者新设投资(或称“绿地投资”)等。该博弈模型存在两个均衡:第一个均衡是(FT, AQ),即东道国致力于快速的经济结构调整,颁布和实施市场化政策,跨国公司则选择在现有政策下通过跨国并购进入市场,这个均衡总可在产业结构调整过程中形成。第二个均衡是(GD, NP)。即东道国选择渐进的改革方式,跨国公司则更多地通过设立新厂,直接转移技术和管理知识。博弈模型体现了东道国政府和跨国公司之间的相互适应过程。
The post-conflicting and transitional countries are viewed as a kind of some special ones in today's world. While there remains some degree of political instability, hopefully they are in the phase of the peace and development now. For those nations, how to attract more FDI represents a meaningful but challenging question. And, as we see, such a topic has received little attention for economists yet. Realizing the very importance of FDI, this dissertation will examine and explore that the role of FDI in the post conflict transactional economy.
     FDI is one of the main ways for post-conflict countries to increase economy, as it can help these countries to increase their stock of capital, accelerate technology advancement, generate employment, and bring about other visible or invisible benefits such as foreign assistance. FDI is also conducive for the long-term economic stability of post-conflict countries, creating conditions for their integration with world market, which is extremely important in the context of economic globalization. Most importantly, the ultimate goal of encouraging FDI is to help post-conflict countries realize independent economic growth and embark on a road of independent social development.
     With improving political situation, post-conflict countries will provide highly profitable investment opportunities, making them appealing in the eyes of most foreign investors. But there is a widespread concern over some political and economic risks specific to these countries, such as the uncertainties in nationalization, the inconsistency and instability of policies, serious bribery and corruption, just to name a few. In order to eliminate the concerns of foreign investors, post-conflict countries have made regulations and policies correspondingly to encourage investment. In the mean time, for the sake of their own interests, foreign investment enterprises (or multinational corporations) will also make a comparison among different model of entry of capital and different business modes to find the way that suits them best. Considering these facts, this paper develops a game model between post-conflict countries and multinational corporations.
     Taking post-conflict countries and multinational corporations as two game players, the proposed game model provides a basic theoretical framework for the paper, in which the will of the nations in transition to restructure and the effect of restructuring is somewhat correlated with the FDI strategy adopted by multinational corporations. Specifically speaking, on the part of host countries, there is a substitution relationship between the realization of their political goals and the encouragement of investment, while on the part of investors, their aim is to enter the target country with most appropriate entry mode of capital, such as the cross-border acquisitions, the newly created investment (also referred as "Greenfield Investment"), etc. The proposed game model can reach two equilibriums. The first equilibrium (FT, AQ) is a state where host countries actively issue and implement relevant market policies to realize rapid economic restructuring, while multinational corporations enter the host country through cross-border acquisition in compliance with current policies. This equilibrium is to be reached in the process of industry restructuring. The second equilibrium (GD, NP) means a state where host countries adopt progressive reforming mode, while multinational corporations prefer to directly transfer technology and management knowledge through establishing new plants. The game model represents the mutually adaptation process between post-conflict countries and multinational corporations.
     Drawing on the panel data of 36 post-conflict countries from 1980-2009, the paper carries out an empirical analysis of these macroeconomic data and the correlation between governmental policies and FDI. The analysis results show that the major factors affecting FDI are the growth rate of GDP, the infrastructure construction, the political stability, the opening degree of trade, etc. of host countries.
     Nepal, the motherland of the author, is one of the post-conflict country. The paper utilizes the macroeconomic panel data of Nepal from 1980 to 2009 and relevant policy variables to conduct a regression test of Nepal's introduction of foreign investment. The test results suggest a high correlation between the amount of FDI with Nepal's macroeconomic variables and the opening policies.
     Combining theoretical analysis with the reality of post-conflict countries, the paper constructs a game model and adopts empirical approaches to make preliminary exploration into the theory and practice of post-conflict countries'introduction of FDI. However, due to the difficulty in extending the proposed model and the limited access to the material and data concerning post-conflict countries, the explanation given in this paper is not sufficient enough, thus requiring further exploration.
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