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The network has brought us great convenience, at the same time it also caused some social issues, youth internet addiction is particularly concerned by the community. For various reasons, the number of young people with internet addiction is increasing, the social problems caused by youth internet addiction have become prominent issues. At this point, Government and relevant social subjects should play an important role actively in governancing youth internet addiction. Basing on the Governance theory, this paper starts from the reasons, the current situation and the counter measures of youth internet addiction, and try to find out the way to deal with youth internet addiction. This paper consists of four parts:
     Firstly, this paper elaborates the concept and the content of internet addiction, governance and the feasibility of theoritical study. This section firstly instructs the description and the definition of internet addiction from home and abroad, and proposes author's definition about Internet addiction in general. Secondly, basing on the definition of governance theory which the schorlars from home and abroad elaborate, this paper try to find out the governing theory which is suitable for the Chinese current situaiton. Finally, this paper demonstrates the feasibility weather the governancing theory suits for working out the problem caused by youth internet addiction.
     Secondly, this paper elaborates the current status, the reasons and the negative impacts of youth internet addiction in China. Firstly, this section uses the existing statistical data over the past years, and derivates the trends that the number of Chinese young people with internet addiction will increase year by year. Secondly, basing on the current situation of youth internet addiction in China, this section analyzes the multiple reasons, as well as the negative impacts to individuals and society in the view of governance.
     In addition, this paper elaborates the solution of youth internet addiction in the view of governance theory. Firstly, this section confirms the positive efforts which the government makes to solve the youth, and analyzes the counter measures the governments have made,and the existing problems that the current relative policies could not deal with. Secondly, according to these existing problems, referring to the international successful practice, this section proposes the following solution:First aspect, to construct the multi-dimensional governancing system; second aspect,to regular directly by the government:establishing and improving relevant laws,rules and regulations, clearing the function of the relative department and increasing the supervising intensity of those, establishing the relevant administrative units; third aspect, to regulate indirectly by the government:establishing and improving the relevant industry associations, helping families prevent and cope with the addiction problems, furthermore promoting the quality of education, and guiding enterprises to take the social responsibility.
     Lastly, this paper tries to solve the youth addiction issues in the view of governance theory. Firstly, this section points out useful insights of how to solve the problems of youth internet addiction in the view of governance, and theory confirms the advantages of using the governance theory to solve the complex social problems.Secondly, this paper points out the failure condition that the governance theory may cause to cope with youth internet addiction. These failure condition may happen in two aspects:governing subjects dealing with youth internet addiction reluctantly and network of the governing system not balanced.
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