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Image superresolution (SR) processing is the technology to reconstruct high resolution and high quality image(s) from a group of warped, blurred and noised low resolution images about the same scene. It breaks through the resolution limit of image acquisition equipment and can achieve data fusion on pixel level. Image SR processing has proved to be useful in many practical applications, such as remote sensing, military detection, medical imaging, machine vision and public security, etc. It can greatly improve spatial resolution and enhance image quality. So it is beneficial for computer to process, analyze and understand the image.The main contents and contributions of this dissertation are as follows:1. Spectral and spatial domain mathematic models of the SR problem are analyzed and established. A hierarchy image registration algorithm based on optical flow is given. A conditional row action iterative method is put forward. It fuses orthogonal projection and parallel projection and speed up the de-aliasing processing.2. Two spatial domain SR processing algorithms are proposed: Real-time frame iterative back-projection algorithm (RFE3P) and modified Cimmino fast row action iterative algorithm. By constructing a virtual panorama image and corresponding weight matrix, iterative back-projection (IBP) algorithm can be implemented from frame to frame in RFIBP. So video sequence can be processed real time. According to the modified Cimmino fast row action iterative algorithm, bilinear interpolation image blurring model on pixel level, which is a set of large sparse unstructured linear equations, is established. In order to solve the equations, a new row action iterative method based on Cimmino algorithm is proposed. The denominator, which is used to calculate the average iterative modification value in Cimmino algorithm, is replaced from number of rows to number of nonzero elements in a column of the system matrix. Since only is the valid projection taken into account, the algorithm converges quickly and greatly spares the computation memory. Moreover, parallel processing could be adopted if necessary. By combining SR and image mosaics, both the methods can ont only improve resolution of image, but also expand visual field.3. Rotate birefringence crystal method for micro-scanning image capturing is proposed. Its principle and machinery are discussed in detail. The relationship between the micro-translation in super-resolution imaging and reconstructing of high resolution image is analyzed. And it is proved that equal interval employed by micro-scanning is optimal but not absolutely needed. Unequal interval micro-scanning can also achieve super-resolution
    imaging by controlling the distribution of micro-translation and increasing properly observed image frames. Therefore, the precision requirement to micro-translation machine is decreased significantly.4. A new vision measurement method based on image registration, which is used to measure 2-dimensional translation and rotation parameters of moving platform, is proposed. Benchmark graphics and lens are fixed, and CCD translates and rotates along with platform in imaging plane of benchmark graphics. Then the position of CCD in the whole imaging plane is located by image registration. Experiment result shows that system measurement precision can reach sub-micron level.5. The principle of micro-zooming is analyzed in spatial domain. Micro-zooming is the method that changes imaging focal length of optical system gradually to obtain a series of images about the same scene with different amplified multiples, and reconstruct high resolution image from these images. It can be used to realize superresolution imaging of opto-electronic imaging systems. Micro-zooming can be considered as the change of the area and position of sensor element's corresponding to object radiance distribution region. So, a spatial model is established and the relationship between observed images and ideal high resolution image can be expressed by a set of linear equations. The high resolution image can be o
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