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With rapid development of Internet of Things (IOT) and its relative technologies, it has been used in wider fields, such as in fire monitoring, traffic management and so on. Large-scale display is the important equipment to show the huge amounts of information in the IOT system to the users. Without reasonable and effective human-computer interaction (HCI), only one-way information transportation from display to users is available. It makes the displays losing real-time and flexible reaction on user's demand and limits the fully usage of the information. Therefore, the research in HCI of large-scale displays can be great help for the promoting of IOT.
     This thesis studies the HCI of large-scale displays in the IOT systems and the practical application. An interaction solution based on multi-touch technique is provided. It establishes a two-way information interaction between display and users. The research objectives and main achievements in the thesis are listed as follows:
     ◆Based on the contradiction between cost and technology maturity, this thesis presents a large-scale display interaction solution using intelligent terminal with multi-touch to achieve great stability, high precision and support multi-user. It also solves some shortages in HCI of large-scale multi-touch.
     ◆Targeting on the practical application requirement and multiple development environments for display systems and terminals, a three-layer system architecture based on MVC model is presented. It owns expansibility and low coupling to meet the demand of diversity. With three-phase interaction protocol, terminals can collaborate with display by effective information communication.
     ◆Aiming at different interaction scenes and models, visualization of information display and interaction of terminal are designed to be applicable to multi-touch control and massive information display.
     ◆Combining with application requirements from fire information system, multiple source information display and interaction system is designed based on the solution, architecture and interaction of this thesis.
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