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The18th CPC National Congress has clearly indicated that in "construction of balancing to advance urban and rural social security system construction", people should persist in the12character guideline of "all standing, foundation protection, multiple levels and sustainability","taking enhancing fairness, adapting to liquidity and guaranteeing sustainability as the focal point", and "fully developing social security system covering urban and rural residents". Under this background, this paper develops its study and puts forward to further perfect strategy of sustainable development to social pension insurance system for urban and rural residents of our country. Under the foundation of comprehensive literature review and an overview of all standing development on foreign and domestic social pension insurance for urban and rural residents, this paper studies the current situation of social pension insurance system for urban and rural residents in our country (chapter2). Based on rapid aging of population in our country and angle of high order urbanization of population, it extracts a methodology. The methodology is that our country has a social pension insurance policy perfection of dynamic development, multiple levels and multiple supports. The concrete reflections are as follows, under the theoretical study foundation of social pension insurance system for urban and rural residents, this paper puts forward that the model "with moderate excitation common preferences type" is the model of system optimization, brings forward optimization theory of development target of social pension insurance system for urban and rural residents in our country under this foundation (Chapter3), based on scientific hypothesis and strict data selection, constructs simulation system of social pension insurance system for China's urban and rural residents (Chapter5) and makes policy's dynamic path simulation become possible. Afterwards, this paper focuses on discussing the operation results of the simulation system of social pension insurance system for China's urban and rural residents, especially after comparing the prediction outcomes of operation situation before and after considering urbanization and introducing system optimization model, it gets major research conclusions (Chapter6) as follows, the optimization model theory of China's urban and rural pension insurance system is feasible in system, supporting in finance and controllable in risk, the simulation system of pension security for China's urban and rural residents is effective, etc. Under this foundation, this paper puts forward "three-step" strategy selected by policy path of social pension insurance system for China's urban and rural residents based on system optimization model and makes policy suggestions (Chapter7). The major innovations of this paper are as follows:the first one is theory innovation, based on rapid aging of population in our country and angle of high order urbanization of population, and according to relevant basic theory, it brings forward the system optimization theory of social pension insurance policy perfection for urban and rural residents; The second one is technological innovation, based on the principle of "governing country is like cooking", it processes scientific,"dynamic, precise and accurate" unified methodology and intelligent policy simulation system construction to inner and outer variables and parameters, target and development model in social pension insurance system; the third one is policy innovation, aiming at the future development orientation of social pension insurance system for China's urban and rural residents, it exacts optimization target and policy path selection strategy with dynamic development, multiple levels and multiple supports in our country.
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