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The joint of mechanism is a unit which links two components and allows them to move relatively. In a mechanical system, joint clearance is unavoidable, which leads to deviation between actual model and ideal model. Therefore, the study of kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms with clearance is of great value theoretically and practically, and the dynamics with clearance has become one of the forefront research topics.
     In this paper, spring damping model is used to build dynamic model, and deep analysis of related parameters is done. According to constant changes of velocity during the repeated collisions, parameters of the spring damping model is modified. Besides, main ones are found after the analysis of influencing factors of the spring damping model, such as material properties, component weights, friction coefficients, and radius of pin and sleeve, etc. Taking a crank slider as an example, the motion in the gravity environment entire rigid bodies and with flexible components considered are analyzed, and the function of clearance value to performance of mechanism is derived.
     The finite element modeling and dynamic analysis of a space deployable mechanism in both folded and deployed states are also introduced in this paper. Results that are valuable to the engineering are acquired.
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