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The non-governmental technical and vocational colleges in China are developing quickly in the latest two decades with increasing quantities and enlarging scales, which has relieved the pressure on students’enrollment. However, students in non-governmental technical and vocational colleges may be lower in English language learning ability than students studying in public colleges and universities because the vast majority of private colleges and universities admission standards are lower than public colleges and universities. Hence, EFL teachers in non-governmental colleges are required to improve the English proficiency of students with proven higher quality and more effort,especially in teaching big size of classes under heavy work capacity.
     The problem is, because the vast majority of private technical and vocational schools provide inferior wages and benefits to public colleges and universities, such schools are recruiting EFL teachers with relatively low professional titles and degrees, which inevitably affect the teaching performance and achievements. As an EFL teacher working in a non-governmental technical and vocational college, the author is aware of this fact, and in consequence, she did a survey among ten teachers in the public English office in it through questionnaires, observations, and semi-interviews in order to find out the existing problems on the teacher qualities. The followings are her discoveries.
     Most of these teachers do not have strong knowledge of linguistics and pedagogy which are related with language teaching while their training majors and language teaching are at a distance; which has great negative impact on their scientific and research ability; the students’evaluations to these teachers’teaching performance are different with their own evaluations and in general, most of the students’evaluations are lower than those of the teachers’because of less communication between the teachers and students; most of the teachers’teaching performance are just acceptable, whereas they are clearly inadequate in some aspects, such as they almost fail to assess the students’achievements through their works, most of them adopt traditional teacher- centered teaching mode with simple teaching strategy, which result in the fewer opportunities for students participation to the class. Furthermore, these teachers’professional competence and leadership are required to be improved and they should make efficient achievements in professional growth and development.
     All the above problems are caused by the inhumanity entrepreneurial management. Teacher’s working hours are strictly controlled and preparations for all sorts of teaching inspection and meetings share most of their spare time. The school’s strict requirements on teaching plans, quantity of student’s homework corrections, and other kinds of summaries add more capacity to these teachers capacity. In addition, its teaching equipment mainly counts on blackboard and chalks. The nature of the non-governmental university is to make benefit, so it is almost impossible for it to decrease the teachers’capacity. It is very hard to improve the EFL teacher quality. Furthermore, 90% of the teachers under the survey are female with more than half young teachers round thirties who are carrying on the responsibility to get marry, bear baby, or care for the young children, which inevitably influence their energy to improve themselves. The last but not the least, even for the emphasized non-governmental college, the government pay little attention to the front-line teachers’income which has great effects on workers’passion and career responsibilities. Totally, the way to improve the EFL teacher quality in non-governmental colleges is arduous with slow steps.
     Both the author’s knowledge and experience are not rich enough to give proper solutions. Nevertheless, the author tried to explore and find ways to the corresponding problems from teacher's self-improvement, school management system and wage system reform, teacher training, and state intervention.
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