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Today, the economy globalization is increasingly, the female leader as to be a unique leadergroup who effect on organization management gradually and their lead behavior is more suitablefor the demand of economy globalization. Meanwhile, With their distinctive leadership trait actas a brilliant figure in commercial and political fields. Some scholars even foretell that thetwenty-first century is "she" century, researching on the women's leadership becomes one of thehot topics in management field.
     Currently, in the view of less research on the women's leadership of China's women, thispaper was mainly according to the relevant research which the western researched on femaleleadership, the main point is that do multi-dimensional exploration and research on femaleleadership such as female leadership traits, women's leadership styles, women's leadershipmodels, and the impact of women's leadership factors; the article mainly discusses the followingaspects.
     First of all, summarize theoretical basis of women's leadership, and give the detailedstatements of the domestic and foreign scholars’research on the definition for the relevantconcepts and theories of women's leadership. Here, I mainly focus on the results of women’sleadership style research on the basis of the comparative study of two sex’s leadership in theWest. Now there are still no uniform conclusions on the differences in gender leadership stylewhich is existence or not. Because research on the gender leadership style in the differentorganizations or the different culture background, the results of research may also be different.
     Secondly, summed up the relevant traits of the modern women leaders which based on thescholars at home and abroad study on the female trait and their leadership traits. Meanwhile, Ialso found that the domestic and foreign scholars can not come to a consensus about the modelof women’s leadership in their studying. In this paper, it show the features of three kinds of themodels of women’s leadership which are agreed by the majority of the western scholars and arecurrently consistent with women's leadership traits, such as transformational women's leadership,heuristic women's leadership and focus on balance women’s leadership.
     Again, it gives the argumentation about three different types of women’s leadership modelby the way of case studies, analysis and demonstrates the three great influence and representationpolitical women leaders: EkatepnhaII, Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton, which found thewomen’s leadership that was in line with their own characteristics of female leadership play animportant role behind their success.
     At last, mainly analysis the meaning of the relevant reference on western women’sleadership for China. On the basis of learning and thinking the results of previous studies,according to China's specific national conditions, study on the difficulties and question choicesthat we develop the women’s leadership faced in China, meanwhile, analysis how we can fosteroutstanding women's leadership in China.
     In conclusion, this article re-emphasized the unique advantages of women's leadership inmodern organizations. I make a future outlook on women’s feature: meticulous, flexible,compassionate, friendly and the ability of communication and coordination, I believe thatwomen's leadership is exactly fit for the current era and is bound to play a great role on the stageof the rapid development world.
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    3 Richardson,Helen L.“Women lead in style.”.Transportation &Distrbution,1999,(4):74
    1 Sarah Rutherford.“Any Difference? An Analysis of Gender and Divisional Management Styles in a LargeAirline.”.Gender,Work and Organization,2001,(3):213
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    3 Geert Hofstede.Culture’s consequences:International differences in work-related values.Newbury Park,California:Sage,1980:113
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    2 Bass B M ,Steidlmeier P.“Ethics,Character,and Authentic Transformational Leadership Behavior.”.LeadershipQuarterly,1999,(2): 181
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    4 Car1i Diekman,A H Eag1y.Stereotypes as dynamic constructs: Women and men of the past, present,and future.New York:FreePress,1990:316
    1 Glomb,Hulin.“Sex differences in leadership:How rea1 are they?”.Academy of Management Review,l997,(1): 11-32
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    3 Sebro,Mery James. Empowering Women for Community Leadership: A Caribbean Case Study. In Women’s Leadership: In aChanging World, edited by Ana Maria Brasileiro. New York: 1996: 211-212
    4 Marilyn Patricia Year wood .Women’s Leadership Training in Micro-Business: The case of the Women’s Leadership andEnhancement.Institute of Trinidad and Tobago: 2000:11
    1 Antrobus, Peggy Antrobus. In Conversation with Charlotte Bunch and Marianne Dekoven In Talking Leadership:Conversations with Powerful Women, edited by Mary S.Hartman.New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London: Rutgers UniversityPress. 1999:11-13
    2 Antrobus.Women’s Leadership: Catalysts for Change. Dame Nita Barrow Distinguished Lecture, Toronto. 1998
    3 Burns J.M. Leadership. New York:Harper&Row,1978:9
    4 Bunch, Kamla.ed.Towards Empowerment. Rome, Italy: Freedom From Hunger Campaign/Action for Development, Food andAgriculture1991:41
    5 Hartman, Mary S.Ed. Talking Leadership: Conversations with Powerful Women. New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London:Rutgers University Press. 1999:135
    6 Wells,Sandra J. Women Entrepreneurs:Developing Leadership for Success. New York & London:Garland publishing.1998:446-447
    1欧高敦.女性与领导力(The McKinsey Quarterly).北京:经济科学出版社,2008.12:29
    1 Tal Ben-Shahar.Happier:Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment. New York:McGraw-Hill,Inc. 2007:32
    2 Martin E.P.Seligman,Authentic happiness:Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment.New York:Free publishing company.2004:47
    3 Sonja Lyubomirsky, How of Happiness:A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want.New York:Penguin publishingcompany,2007:146
    4 Sylvia Ann Hewlett,Carolyn Buck Luce .“Extreme jobs:The dangerous allure of the 70-hour workweek.”. Harvard BusinessReview,2006,(84) 12:49-59
    5 Sylvia Ann Hewlett. Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success. Boston:Harvard BusinessSchool publishing company,2007:542
    1 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.Flow:The psychology of Optimal Experience. New York:Harper Perennial publishingcompany,1991:42
    2 Edy Greenblatt.“Work-life balance: wisdom or grievance.”.Organizational Dynamics,2002,(31)2:177-193
    3 Jim Loehr&Tony Schwartz.The Power of Full Engagement:Managing Energy ,Not Time,Is the Key to High Performance andPersonal Renewal. New York:Freedom publishing company,2003:97
    4 Louann Brizendine.The Female Brain. New York:Morgan Road Books,2006:112
    5 Martin E.P.Seligman. Learned Optimism:How to Change Your Mind and Your Life.New York:Pocket book publishingcompany,1998:34
    6 Jonathan Haidt. The Happiness Hypothesis.New York:Basic books company,2006:153
    7 George Dreher&Ronald Ash.“A comparative study of mentoring among men and women in managerial,professional,andtechnical positions.”.Journal of Applied Psychology,1990(75) 5,539-546
    8 Terri Scandura.“Mentorship and career mobility:An empirical investigation.”.Journal of OrganizationalBehavior,1992,(13)2:169-174
    1 Mark Hunter&Herminia Ibarra.“How leaders create and use networks.”Harvard Business Review,2007(85)1:40-47
    2 Roy F. Baumeister.“Is there anything good about men?”. American Psychological Association,2007:87
    3 Catalyst.Greating Women’s Networks:A How To Guide for Women and Copanies. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass PublishingCompany,1999:23
    4 Moncia Higgins,Kathy Kram.“Reconceptualizing Mentoring at Work:A Developmental Network Perspective.”Academy ofManagement Review,2001,(26)2:264-268
    5 Lois J.Zachary.The Mentor’s Guide:Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass PublishingCompany,2000:31
    1 Daniel Gilbert.Stumbling On Happiness. New York:Knopf Publishing Company,2007:41
    2杨玉新.杨王月.论撒切尔夫人领袖魅力的建构.长春工业大学学报(社会科学版), 2003,(15)3:14
    3 Burns J.M. Leadership. New York:Harper&Row,1978:43
    2 (美)费尔德著.女性100人:历史上最具影响力的女人排行榜.张欣.穆玉苹译.北京:当代世界出版社,2006:188
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    1安德鲁J.杜伯林(Andrew J.Dubrin).领导力(leadership)第四版.王垒译.北京:中国市场出版社,2007.7:23
    1 Lindawtit,KarenM·paget,GlennaMatthews. Running As A Woman:gender and power in Americanpolitics.NewYork:TheFreePress,1994:126.
    1王芳.美国领导力理论的研究特点及其启示理论研究.理论前沿, 2009,(22): 22-23
    1 Human Side.“EffectiveLeaders…Made or born?”. Leadership for the Front Lines 2(June 15,2002):3
    2 C. Hymowitz.“Some Tips From CEOs to Help You to Make a Fresh Start in 2005.”. The Wall Street Journal,December 28,2004,B1.
    3 S. Meisel,review of“The Practical Coach,”by P. J.Caproni, Academy of Management Learning and Education .2004, 3 (4):458-459
    4 J. A. Conger.“Developing Leadership Capability:What’s Inside the Black Box?”. Academy of Management Executive 2004,18(30):136-139
    1 R.C.Ford,“Darden Restaurants CEO Joe Lee on the Impotrance of Core Values:Integrity and Fairness.”. Academy ofManagement Executive 16(2002):31-36
    2 P. A.Saparito and C.C.Chen,“The Role of Relational Trust in Bank-Small Firm Relationships.”. Academy of ManagementJournal,47(3)(2004):400-410
    3 J. A. Raelin.“Don’t Bother Putting Leadership Into People.”.Academy of Management Executive8(3)(2004):131-135
    4 R. N.Lussier.“Dealing with Anger and Preventing Workplace Violence.”.Clinical Leadership &ManagementReview(March/April2004):117-120
    5 J.Zaslow.“Why Jerks Get A head in the Workplace.”.The Wall Street Journal. March 29, 2004, R6.
    6 N. M. Ashkanasy and c. s. Daus,“Enotion in the Workplace: The New Challenge for Managers.”. Academy of ManagementExecutive 16(2002):76-86
    1 J.Murphy,“Good as Gold.”. Entrepreneur(August 2003):60
    2 L.S.Demorest and D.Grady,“In Search of a Leader.”.Women in Business 54(March-April 2002):11-12
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    3 Geraldine Bown&Catherine Brady. Getting to the Top. Women in Management Workbook Series.London: Koganpage,1991:140-156
    4 Alison Clements.“Developing Women Leaders.”Directions, 1994:18-22; Trudy Coe.“TEHE Key to the Men’s Club: OpeningDoors to Women in Management.”. Institute of Management Research Report.Corby, Institute of Management, 1992.
    5 Vineienne Arbold &Marilyn J.Davidson.“Adopt a Mentor:The New Way Ahead for Women Managers.”. Women inManagement Review,Vol:5,Iss:1,1990:10-18

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