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中囊胚转换(Midblastula transition,MBT)在胚胎发育过程中是一个重要的过程。从这个时期开始表达的基因将在后续的原肠胚形成及体节形成过程中起至关重要的作用。存MBT前,早期胚胎发育主要受母型mRNAs和蛋白质调控,转录水平较低。以前依靠突变的方法发现了许多重要的基因是与发育相关的。但是,还有很多存早期发育过程中具有重要功能的基因没有被发现,因为这些基因的突变会引起胚胎死亡。
     本实验应用美国Affymetrix公司的斑马鱼基因表达谱芯片,对斑马鱼中囊胚转换过程中的基因表达差异进行了研究。中囊胚转换大致发生在胚胎发育至2.75hpf(hour post-fertilization)。我们分别提取发育至2.5hpf和4hpf的斑马鱼胚胎总RNA。芯片分析结果表明,共获得了479个差异表达的基因,其中360个基因表达上调,119个基因表达下调。通过GO(Gene Ontology)分析表明,上调表达的基因按功能可以分为以下几种类别:信号转导,细胞通讯,表达调控,转录因子活性,胚胎发育,形态发生,性别分化,代谢以及转运类蛋白等。其中可能有一些与中囊胚转换相关并具有重要作用的基因,但其具体功能尚不清楚。选取表达上调率较高,且在中囊胚转换前未表达的31个基因作为进一步研究对
activity is regulated by CK2 phosphorylation of cyclin H. Oncogene. 2002,21 (33):5031-5037.
     24 Wu L, Chen P, Shum C H, et al. MAT 1-modulated CAK activity regulates cell cycle G(l) exit. Mol Cell Biol. 2001,21 (l):260-270.
     25 Kato J Y, Matsuoka M, Strom D K, et al. Regulation of cyclin D-dependent kinase 4 (cdk4) by cdk4-activating kinase. Mol Cell Biol. 1994,14 (4) :2713-2721.
     26 Gerber M R, Farrell A, Deshaies R J, et al. Cdc37 is required for association of the protein kinase Cdc28 with Gl andmito.tic cyclins. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1995,92 (10):4651-4655.
     27 He Q, Peng H, Collins S J, et al. Retinoid-modulated MAT1 ubiquitination and CAK activity. Faseb J. 2004,18 (14): 1734-1736.
     28 Jordan P, Cunha C, Carmo-Fonseca M. The cdk7-cyclin H-MAT1 complex associated with TFIIH is localized in coiled bodies. Mol Biol Cell. 1997,8 (7):1-207-1217.
     29 Tassan J P, Schultz S J, Bartek J, et al. Cell cycle analysis of the activity, subcellular localization, and subunit composition of human CAK (CDK-activating kinase). J Cell Biol. 1994,127 (2):467-478.
     30 Lamond A 1, Earnshaw W C. Structure and function in the nucleus. Science. 1998,280 (5363):547-553.
     31 Faust M, Kartarius S, Schwindling S L, et al. Cyclin H is a new binding partner for protein kinase CK2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002,296 (1): 13-19.
     32 Gannon J V, Nebreda A, Goodger N M, et al. A measure of the mitotic index: studies of the abundance and half-life of p34cdc2 in cultured cells and normal and neoplastic tissues. Genes Cells. 1998,3 (l):17-27.
     33 Kim J M, McGaughy J T, Bogle R K, et al. Meiotic expression of the cyclin H/Cdk7 complex in male germ cells of the mouse. Biol Reprod. 2001,64 (5): 1400-1408.
     34 Kaldis P, Solomon M J. Analysis of CAK activities from human cells. Eur J Biochem. 2000,267 (13):4213-4221.
     35 Leclerc V, Raisin S, Leopold P. Dominant-negative mutants reveal a role for the Cdk7 kinase at the mid-blastula transition in Drosophila embryos. Embo J. 2000,19 (7):1567-1575.
     36 Hermand D, Pihlak A, Westerling T, et al. Fission yeast Cskl is a
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