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Based on the developing trends of economic globalization,regional economic integration and global localization,this thesis analyzes the changes in global economic environment,the economic cooperating modes in the local area of Northeast Asia and the fact of localized transnational economic exchange in Northeast Asia,and presents the existing problems and discusses the new developing direction.Meanwhile,this thesis also points out the most efficient localized transnational economic cooperation shall be conducted in the region,at where the geographic location is near,there is economic complementation and anticipated profit can be achieved with common goal. The study also shows that the development of economic cooperation with adjacent regions does not only develop the regional economy,but also achieve the development of national economy and be favorable of the achievement of economic integration in Northeast Asia in the view of long-term.
     There are eight chapters.Preface includes background and significance,the purpose and object of research,basic through thread and research method and innovation and insufficient.
     Chapter Two generally describe the localized transnational economic cooperation. It may be said that localized transnational economic cooperation is derived from international exchange,which composes of all the interchanging manners between countries and localized transnational interchanging manners.However,localized transnational economic cooperation can be considered as the concept obtained through separately sorting out different economic field,such as economic trade.By analyzing the definition and patter,necessity and purpose of localized transnational economic cooperation,this thesis illustrates the new theory of localized transnational economic cooperation in detail.At present,there is a lack of systematic academic theory of localized transnational economic cooperation.If localized transnational economic cooperation is considered as the international exchange developed through economic exchange,it is better to apply mechanically the theory of international trade.By taking Adam Smith's theory of absolute advantage and David Ricado's theory of comparative advantage as classical theories and D.B.Keesing's demonstration on skilled labor and technological gap theory of M.V.Posner and G.C.Hufbauer as modern theories,the thesis has surveyed and sorted out the economic interchanging theories which are increasingly changing and developing.
     Chapter Three is about the background and grounds of localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.Firstly,describe the natural characteristic by analyzing the geographical scope and features of Northeast Asia.Secondly,illustrate that having been affected by the two global economic spirits of economic globalization and regional integration,local govemments begin to appear on the world stage. Urgently developed economic globalization and regional integration greatly promote the development of global localization.Under the changes in international economic environment,in order to survive and develop in the age of economic globalization,the local governments have to compete with different cities all around the world to ensure the local competitiveness.As a result,the localized transnational economic exchanges also become lively.However,the economic integration similar with that in Europe Union has not yet been achieved in Northeast Asia due to lots of constraints,whereas the localized transnational economic cooperation has been broadly developed in Northeast Asia.This chapter intensively demonstrates the completely opening to the outside world in Northeast Asia along with the changing of global economic environment and the background that local governments appear on the world stage as main economic actors all around the world.
     Chapter Four is about the status and forms of economic cooperation between countries and between local regions in Northeast Asia.It points out the reasons why the localized transnational economic integration is developed slowly in Northeast Asia by analyzing the status quo and constraints of localized transnational economic integration in Northeast Asia and evaluates the economic cooperating manner in local region raised by lots of scholars who have research on economic integration in Northeast Asia and draws the conclusion that economic integration is difficult to achieve in Northeast Asia due to such restrictions,it is better to select the special regions in different countries as the strongholds,between where the cooperation system is established and cooperation scope is expanded gradually.It also points out there are lots of advantages of economic cooperation in local region,which is the most favorable practical localized transnational economic cooperation manner in Northeast Asia.Meanwhile,it also analyzes how to establish the relation between local regional economic development and countries and how to bring it into full play and researches on the influence of cooperation between countries to localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.
     Chapter Five is about the development of localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.It analyzes the motivation,course and status quo of localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia,the main features of local economic cooperation in Northeast Asia and the main existing problems of localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.And through analyzing the opening strategies and progresses in 6 countries in Northeast Asia,all the countries support local governments to develop foreign economic cooperation and to develop regional economy through developing economic development of localized transnational.In the meantime,it analyzes the favorable and unfavorable factors of the localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia and anticipates its basic developing direction.
     Chapter Six is about analysis of typical cases.At present,there are more localized transnational multilateral caucus established or signed in Northeast Asia,among which the typical representatives are Conference of Magistrates and Provincial Governors from Provincial Governments in Northeast Asia,Associated Society of Local Governments in Northeast Asia,Conference of Stronghold Cities in East Sea Rim (Japanese Sea) established by local governments at county-level,Regional Tourism Forum of East Asia established with common concerns and the Operation Agreement of Hunchun in China-Zhalubinuo in Russia-Sokcho in South Korea which is considered as the successful case of localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.It summarizes the enlightenment and developing direction of localized transnational multilateral agreement established in Northeast Asia through analyzing the above cases.
     Chapter Seven is about the concepts of localized transnational in Northeast Asia. The economic cooperating form among Jilin Province in China,Primorskiy Kray in Russia and Gangwon-do in South Korea is considered as the subject investigated of localized transnational economic cooperation.In the above three region,there is adjacent geographical location and economic complementation and anticipated interest can be achieved through common goal.The establishment of new shipping line improves the experience of utilization rate of shipping line and as the core of the developing plan of Tumen river basin,attention is focused on this area.Najin and Seonbong of North Korea have not been considered as subject researched on.In fact, the economic basis of North Korea is too weak and the political situation is not stable. It is hard to develop practical economic cooperation.In the view of this thesis,Najin and Seonbong of North Korea will naturally participate in the economic cooperation along with the successful economic cooperation in the three regions.
     Firstly,common economic cooperation projects have been selected by analyzing the industrial structures in Jilin Province,Primorskiy Kray of Russia and Gangwon-do of Korea.The common feature in the three regions is transportation and logistics.In order to simplify the clearance procedures,to expand logistics and transportation and to achieve the successful clearance and to ensure the freight volume,it needs to break in partial cooperating manner and it is necessary to establish a mutual help system of logistics and transportation participated by the local governments in the three regions. It also is a good plan to appoint this area as free-trade zone which is promoted together with the developing plan of Tumen River Basin.In the three areas,there are Chinese Huichun Boundary Economic Development Zone,Nakhodka Special Zone in Russian Primorskiy Kray,and East Sea Free-trade Zone of Korean Gangwon-do and other national level industrial zones.Therefore,it is necessary to issue mutual preferential policies in these industrial gardens and to abstract industries with comparative advantages.In the three regions,there are abundant tourist resources with different local features.In respect of China,there are Changbai Mountain and scenery of minority,Changchun Puppet Emperor's Palace,Automobile Town,Movie Wonderland and special tourist resources;as only one tourist area of European style in Northeast Asia,Primorskiy Kray in Russia has been paid a lot of attention;Gangwon-do in Korea is the best tourist area in Korea,at where there is beautiful landscape, bathing place,golf course and a variety of travel facilities.The three regions have special advantage of tourism resources.If the tourist infrastructures are further completed,and visitors' exchange visits are developed through information communication,it is just round the comer to develop the area as the new famous tourist place in Northeast Asia.Up to now,the economic exchange in the three regions is mainly developed by governments.Later,it is necessary to provide participation space for enterpriser and economic group to bring leading role into full play through issuing mutual preferential policies and developing economic exchange.Meanwhile, Northeast Asia economic cooperation center shall be established in the three regions which are developed into the economic,commercial,tourist,cultural interchanging center.In the past,it is hard to develop cooperation due to the lagging economic conditions in the three regions.However,in the view of this thesis,the above assumption can be completely achieved through the joint contribution of the three regions.In order to develop the above economic development,it needs to establish economic caucus which is strongly competent in career planning,implementation and regulation of tasks.If the economic cooperation course is developed during the beginning period of feasible cooperation projects in the three regions,it does not only promote the economic development in the three regions finally and apply the manner to other stronghold areas,but also achieve the national development through localized transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia and lay the firm foundation for achieving the economic integration of Northeast Asia.
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