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     提取抑制的功能是在记忆提取过程中,对那些不需要的记忆有意识地加以阻止、抑制。选择性记忆、记忆阻止和指向性遗忘等三类实验都可证明,记忆活动中确实存在抑制现象(Anderson, 2005)。近年来,不少研究者都指出,抑制加工在一定程度上对情绪有积极影响。例如,Friedman (2002)认为,有些人之所以被不断反弹的思绪干扰是因为其抑制机制效率低下。Hertel和Gerstle (2003)发现,与非焦虑被试组相比,焦虑被试组的提取抑制能力要差一些。他们还指出,抑制策略可以使负面记忆进入意识的机会减少,对于解决情绪抑郁问题来说十分有价值。
     我们认为,提取抑制的效率对外语听力学习焦虑和自我效能感可能会造成影响。大量研究表明,外语学习中听、说、读、写等环节都容易引起焦虑。如果学习者对负面学习经历的记忆进行抑制,就会减轻由之而来的焦虑。另外,由于过去的经历和当前情绪状态如焦虑、压力等对自己效能感的判断也有影响(Bandura, 1994),提取抑制可通过控制对负面经历的回忆以及由此而造成的对焦虑的影响这两方面同时对自我效能感施加作用。所以我们假设,英语听力学习中提取抑制效率越高,则焦虑越低,自我效能感越高;同时学习行为会相应受到积极影响,从而最终影响听力学习效果。对此,我们提出以下研究问题:1)本研究能否成功观察到提取抑制的作用?2)提取抑制与英语听力焦虑有何关系?3)提取抑制与英语听力自我效能感有何关系?4)提取抑制与英语听力理解成绩有何关系?5)总体看来,提取抑制、英
Although a great deal of research has obtained informative findings concerning the connections between retrieval inhibition and various cognitive activities as well as some emotional factors, few studies have hitherto been found to be devoted to retrieval inhibition and FL/SL learning and FL/SL learning emotions. The present study was designed to examine whether retrieval inhibition is related to EFL listening comprehension through its connection with emotional factors such as anxiety and self-efficacy which have been found to exert considerable influence on EFL learning. We hope that this study will draw researchers’attention to the role of retrieval inhibition in FL/SL learning and provide empirical support to relevant theories as well as practical strategies that are found to be beneficial for maintaining positive learning motivation.
     Retrieval inhibition occurs when inhibitory control processes are recruited to stop or override memory retrieval, thereby excluding unwanted memories from consciousness. According to Anderson (2005), findings from experiments of memory selection, memory stopping, and directed forgetting lend strong support to the mechanism of retrieval inhibition. As for the relation between inhibition and emotion, some researchers believe that inhibition plays a positive role in emotion regulation. Reducing the chance that certain memories will come to mind might be an elusive but valuable cognitive skill in depression, especially when the memories are unhappy ones (Hertel & Gerstle, 2003). Furthermore, there may be individual differences, not only in suppression proneness, but also in suppression efficacy (e.g. Brewin & Beaton, 2002; Rassin, 2003). The incidence of intrusive thoughts is in fact related to the inhibitory efficiency (Friedman, 2002).
     As far as the current study is concerned, we believe that the mechanism of retrieval
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