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     本研究首先通过文献回顾,在此基础上提出本研究的构思和相关的研究假设;然后通过访谈研究,从实践角度探讨构思中的主要变量,对问卷进行修缮;最后是问卷研究,以10家企业的182名研发人员为研究对象,通过SPSS 13.0统计软件,运用相关分析、回归分析和方差分析等方法,从量上进一步验证本研究的理论构思。研究结果基本证实了本研究提出的假设,主要结论有:(1)性别、年龄、工作年限、所在企业性质、企业规模在OCMPs匹配的某些维度上有显著差异;婚姻状况在组织承诺上有显著差异;年龄、学历、工作年限、所在企业性质、企业规模在组织承诺的某些维度上有显著差异。(2) OCMPs匹配度与组织承诺有着显著的正相关关系。(3) OCMPs匹配度各维度与组织承诺各维度有着显著的正相关关系。(4)公平晋升匹配度、注重培训匹配度、职业发展匹配度对组织承诺有显著预测力。
As typical knowledge workers, the R&D personnel pay high attention to their career development.But now the organization career development is at relatively low level in our country. Most enterprises are unaware of the importance of organization career management. On the one hand, employees show great concerns over career development.On the other hand, enterprises are not serious about organization career management, measures not to arrive. If there is a mismatch between offers and requests of career management practices, if there is no unit between enterprise strategy and personal career planning, firms will be unattractive and there will surely be a decrease in staffs loyalty.
     Based on Person-Oragnization Fit model and focused on the issue of career management, through the questionnaire survey on R&D personnel in Beijing, this study explores the OCMPs Gap and organizational commitment. OCMPs Gap means the gap between the need of R&D personnel and their perceptions of organiztional support in organiztion career management practices (OCMPs). Discusses the relationship between OCMPs Gap and R&D personnel's organizational commitment. Give organizations advices on how to play a part in Employee Career Management as supporter and developer.
     By reviewing previouse related studies, this study proposes a basic theoretical model and hypothesis concerned. Then interview is carried out to test the initial model.At the third stage,182 R&D personnel from 10 companies were surveyed through questionnaires. The conclution indicates that:(1)There are some significant differences in terms of gender, age, working life, nature of enterprise and enterprise scale for some dimensions of the OCMPs fit; there are some significant differences in terms of marital status for organizational commitment.; there are some significant differences in terms of age, education, working life, nature of enterprise and enterprise scale for some dimensions of organizational commitment. (2) There is some positive correlation between the OCMPs fit and organizational commitment in the overall level. (3) There is some positive correlation between the OCMPs fit and organizational commitment in all dimensions. (4) It is significant predictive to organizational commitment for fair promotion fit, training fit and career development fit.
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