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Objective: From the mechanics perspective of cell biology, in vitro simulation of dynamic mechanical massage to stimulate the form of SD rats to explore the vitality of preadipocyte, proliferation, apoptosis and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-а) are released on the impact of the expression for Massage treatment of adolescents with simple obesity and obesity complications of modern medical cell biology mechanism based on theory and experiment.
     Methods: healthy SD rats in vitro culture of pre-obese fat cells, in different frequencies of vitro preadipocyte implementation of dynamic mechanical stimulation, observed changes in cell morphology; detect cell viability, cell proliferation index (PI) and apoptosis rates, and observation of dynamic mechanical stimulation on cell expression of TNF-аrelease.
     Results: (1) used in experiments, the effect on cell morphology did not preadipocyte in different frequencies of vitro dynamic mechanical stimulation. (2) In different frequencies of vitro dynamic mechanical stimulation, the preadipocyte viability and proliferation of preadipocyte apoptosis have no significant effections. (3) In different frequencies of vitro inhibition of the pre-fat cells release and the expression of TNF-аare expressed by the dynamic mechanical stimulation.
     Conclusions: Massage therapy adolescents with simple obesity and obesity complications mechanism on the one hand, probably by inhibiting preadipocyte viability and proliferation, so that preadipocyte to adipocyte conversion rate decreased to reach, on the other hand, probably through the dynamic mechanical stimulation, the preadipocyte release of TNF-аexpression are inhibited, reducing insulin resistance and implementation.
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