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Web services, a new distributed computing technology, have the characteristics of being reusable, autonomous, loosely coupled. It shields the application platform and details of the underlying programming language. With its well-defined standard interfaces or functions, distributed applications can interact information with each other. Web services are based on XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and other standards and protocols, and by using standard model of publishing, discovering and binding, it facilitates the implementation of the integration of enterprises’applications.
     Transaction, a set of operations, aims to ensure the system fault tolerance and concurrency control, so that applications can run correctly and reliably. Web service transaction processing differs from traditional transaction in that it tends to last a longer time since it involves business logical process, network conditions and users’interaction, and therefore, traditional transaction processing model which is in strict compliance with ACID properties is no longer applicable.
     This thesis begins with a brief account of the background of the subject and an overview of relevant research, followed by the introduction of Web services, transactions and transaction processing model. Then, it focuses on WS-C/T and BTP, and makes a brief comparison between the two Web service transaction protocols. A Web service transaction processing model is designed based on the WS-C/T protocol, which contains service coordination, log technology and fault recovery mechanisms. Techniques, principles and key steps involved in the process of model implementation are described in detail. A specific example is given to demonstrate how the model processes Web service atomic transactions and business activity. Finally, it is tested to verify that the model can handle atomic transactions and business activity.
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