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     当今,在国际环境问题上,单方面受害国家为使问题得以迅速解决,向污染源国家提出支付补偿的情形已屡见不鲜。但是近年来,受害国将环境问题与其他问题联系起来,以协商方式来应对国际环境问题。1994年,关于流经美国和墨西哥的科罗拉多河(Colorado River)的污染问题,墨西哥因地处下游这一不利的地理位置,单方面受到了美国水质污染的侵害。然而,墨西哥通过占据您久之河一格兰德河(Lower Rio Grande River)上游的优势,将科罗拉多河与您久之河一格兰德河的污染问题联系起来,通过协商,最终取得了令人满意的协商成果。在本论文中,主要考虑的是有关东北亚环境问题和进军中国环境产业市场问题的应对方案。这也是在韩中日三国环境部长会议(Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among Korea, China and Japan,英语缩写TEMM)上讨论的问题。通过论文的探索,可以或多或少地减轻韩国对中国援助而导致的经济负担,同时,也可以为因其间各种阻碍因素而难免于一场苦战的韩国环境产业提供进军机会,以及通过降低东北亚环境污染带来更多便利等予以考虑和选定。
Environmental pollution is one of the most urgent problems that humankind is facing nowadays. Such problem was already predicted from the beginning of mankind but, following the Industrial Revolution, the rapid expansion of human activities has worsened the situation. Today, environmental problems can no longer be ignored and need to be addressed.
     Northeast Asia is no exception to this situation. As a result of a drastic reform and socialist market economy in the early 1980s, China has improved its standard of living and boosted its national power, but at the same time, its rapid economic growth has caused adverse matters on environmental issues that are coming to the fore front. The Chinese government has started to develop environmental awareness as environmental diplomacy among nations has rapidly become a major diplomatic issue to the international society and as a result of the condemnation of neighboring countries that have suffered environmental damages from the growing pollution of China. For this reason, it has become an important project to forge an environmental cooperative system sharing information among nations to assess and address environmental problem.
     From now on, the nation suffering one-sidely damages on international environmental project has solved the problem by subsidizing to nation having a source of pollution. But lately, the affected countries are solving with the trans-border environmental problem in conjunction with another issue by conducting negotiations.
     In 1994, Mexico couldn't help putting up with suffering unrequitedly from water pollution of America on issue of the Colorado which runs across America and Mexico because of unfavorable geographical feature located in the lower reaches of the river. However, Mexico successfully negotiated a solution to its pollution problems related to the Colorado and the Lower Riogrande by using the advantage of being located in the upper reaches of the Lower Riogrande. It will be possible that affected nations get out of the situation having to endure unrequited damages and be advantageous to both countries in the event of negotiating by connecting issue of negotiation and another problem like this. In addition, there is, always the possibility that an agreed-upon cooperation is implemented faithfully thanks to a mutually benefiting agreement and the stability brought by the negotiation process of multiple collaborative agendas.
     Accordingly, this study considers how to connect environmental issues of Northeast Asia with an entrance into Chinese environmental industry market. This is selected considering the fact that support for China would reduce Korean economic burden and it would repesent a good opportunity for the Korean environmental industry. Although, though Korea has had a difficult time due to the many obstacles, it could expect some benefit from a decrease in Northeast Asia environmental pollution through discussion of the issues at a meeting of environment ministers.
     The rate of Chinese environmental industrial growth has ranged from 15~20% on average. There is a large potential for investment in the environmental industry as the annual rate of output's growth in environmental industry is 15% and environmental industrial output expected to grow by 2.76 trillion from 2009 to 2012. However, an enterprise expecting to go into Chinese environmental industry market should cope with barriers common to closed-market such as lack of transparency, quasi-monopoly in the industry, and predominance of insider transactions and institutional hurdle for foreign companies.
     If a negotiation agenda, which is necessary to go into Chinese environmental market, was to be agreed, along with a linking to Northeast Asia's environmental pollution, it would be possible for Korea to have a higher chance to enter into Chinese environmental market. Furthermore, if an entry to Chinese environmental market was to be facilitated, the profit from an additional entrance to the market might mitigate the Korean financial burden caused by the support for China.
     This study suggests that a cooperation, which currently maintains depending on only support on the environmental problem of Northeast Asia, has a limit to implement stably with Game Theory. Furthermore, this research presents that a negotiation agenda not only facilitates agreement in environmental negotiations, it also enhances the prospe ct of fulfilling the negotiated terms with connection with way to go into Chinese environmental industry market as a alternative to overco me the limitations.
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    12 Georges Zaccour. Side Payments in a Dynamic Game of Environmental Policy Coordination [J]. Les Cahiers du GERAD,1993; G-93-37.
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    14 Olli Tahvonen, Veijo Kaitala and Matti Pohjola. A Finnish-Soviet Acid Rain Game: Noncooperative Equilibria, Cost Efficiency, and Sulfur Agreements [J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,1993(24).
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    16 S. Barrett. Strategic Environmental Policy and International Trade [J]. Journal of Public Economics,1994(54):325-338.
    1地球上空10-50km臭氧比较集中的大气层,Ozonosphere; Ozone layer。
    2伦敦修订:多边基金(Multilateral Fund)设置,1991-1993年1.6亿美元,中国和印度加入时,加0.8亿美元。
    6 Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollutants,英语缩写CLRTAP.
    7 Peter M, Haas, Robert 0. Keohane ed, and Marc A. Levy, Institutions for the Earth [M]. The MIT Press,1993:75-132.
    8 CLRTAP的一次功能是①国际别调查程序的调整技能②国家别环境政策手段写报告③限定议定书的修订。
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    11 Strategic Environmental Assessment, SEA:是对政策、规划及计划的环境影响评价。SEA包括现在要求的规划环评,还包括外已经有的政策环评和计划环评等环评形式。
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    13 '5Year's Planning of Economic Development',经济开发计划工作由经济企划院负责制定和实施。从1962年到90年代初期,韩国一共制定并实施了六个五年经济开发计划第一个五年经济开发计划(1962-1966年)。
    1 Taek Hwoan Han,东北亚合作的评价与前途,社会科学论,2005(21),6:18-19.
    2 Min Young Seon, A Study on the Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia Region, Sogang University,2003:35.
    3正式名称:大韩民国政府与日本政府环境合作协定,Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of Japan on Cooperation in the field of E nvironmental Protection。
    4正式名称:大韩民国政府与中华人民共和国环境合作协定,Agreement on Environmental Co operation Between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the People's Republic of China。
    6 Northeast Asia Conference on Environmental Cooperation,英语缩写NEAC)
    8 Meeting of Senior Officials on Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia,英语缩写NEAPEC.
    9 Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among Korea, China and Japan,英语缩写TEMM.
    11 East Asia Acid Rain Monitoring Network,英语缩写EANET。
    12东北亚环境合作会议,Northeast Asian Conference。
    13 Northwest Pacific Action Plan,英语缩写NOWPAP。
    14 United Nations Environment Program,1973年1月,作为联合国统筹全世界环保工作的组织,UNEP正式成立。
    15 Atmospheric Action Network for East Asia,英语缩写AANEA。
    16 Eco Peace Network in East Asia。
    17联合国教育、科学及文化组织,United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Or ganization英语缩写UNESCO.
    24《电子电气产品的废气指令》,Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment英语缩写WEEE。
    25《关于限制在电子电器设备中使用某些有害成分的指令》,Restriction of Hazardous Subs tances,英语缩写RoHS。
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