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Taking bank as exogenous variable, by creditor's right restriction, to achieve perfect enterprise governance is not suitable for the requirement of corporate governance to state-owned commercial bank in modern society. In the dynamic evolution process of corporate governance, its content and corporate governance pattern converged. The liability running characteristic of the commercial bank results in the difference with the ordinary state-owned enterprises, consider its trade property, the key component lies in risk management and internal control, thereby protect the depositor's interest.
     Under decentralized stock right situation, internal governance is difficult to play effective role due to the property right nature of our state-owned commercial bank, and the centralized stock right inevitable cause the problem that strong stock holder encroach on small-medium stock holder and other relevance's interest. The efficiency of creditor involved in corporate governance rely on an effective statute and bankruptcy system, and also being external governance, the market competition environment efficiently play its role relying on the prerequisite that is competitive degree of factor market. Creditor lack stimulates to supervise stock holders in commercial bank corporate governance. The interest conflict between stock holder and creditor become the principle problem in corporate governance. The credit creation function of the commercial bank cause a run on a bank, made the deposit insurance and lender of last resort system necessary. The long-term customer relationship between bank and customer is barrier in trade competition in lending and borrowing market itself. Partial reserve fund and lender of last resort system made creditors desire strengthen governance very much than stock holders. There exist an accumulate circulating positive feed back mechanism between government regulation and bank corporate governance. They promote and restrict each other. It's not good for solve the relevant trade problem and social economic problem, relying only on convention research method, handing one part zero dimension and probe into other part optimize.
     Therefore, this article will take the inter-dynamic relationship between effective state-owned commercial bank corporate governance and stimulus governance as main study object, construct an information discrimination and distinctive mechanism, bring the inner management and market restriction of the financial organization into regulation scope, achieve regulation goal through dynamic cooperation, impel financial innovation, merge the business operating goal into regulation goal, make object function the maximum level coinciding between regulator and regulated, achieve stimulant consistency in every behavioral part as the regulation proceeding, construct a stimulus that financial risk control mechanism running efficiently, a hard stimulant regulation restriction mechanism, to perfect financial mechanism governance.
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