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无线Mesh网络是由Ad Hoc网络发展而来的相对静态的无线网络,是Internet的无线版本。无线Mesh网络具有自组织、自配置和自治愈等特点,能够自动地将各个节点组织起来建立一个Ad Hoc网络并维持Mesh网络的连通性,具有有效的移动用户管理和跟踪机制,是一种多跳的宽带无线网络结构,也是一种高容量、高速率、低功耗、低成本的分布式网络。
     近几年来,无线Mesh网络技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,并获得了众多成功的商业应用。无线Mesh网络已经成为了下一代无线网络的关键技术。然而,无线Mesh网络仍然存在着诸如容量和范围增强、安全性、性能、功耗、带宽公平和多跳路由选择等问题,这些问题严重制约着无线Mesh网络的发展。由于无线Mesh网络还没有统一的标准,采用的路由技术主要是从Ad Hoc网络中移植过来的,并不能完全适合无线Mesh网络。
     ②重点研究了Ad Hoc按需距离向量路由协议(AODV)的原理、实现过程。
Wireless Mesh, evolving from Ad Hoc network, is wireless version of Internet with comparative static characteristics. Featuring self-organization, self-configuration and self-healing, wireless Mesh is able to automatically organize each node into an Ad Hoc network and maintain its connectivity. It obsesses effective management and tracing mechanism of mobile users and has a broadband wireless network structure featuring multiple hops. Wireless Mesh is distributive network characterizing high capacity, high speed, low power consumption and low cost.
     In recent years, wireless Mesh technology has scored big points rapidly and is widely used in commercial sectors, being key part of technology in next generation wireless network. Despite of above mentioned merits, problems such as capacity and coverage enhancement, security, performance, power consumption, bandwidth fairness and multiple host choice, etc still exist which constrict its further development. Routing technologies being adopted is transplanted from Ad Hoc network due to lack of standard, therefore they don’t fit wireless Mesh network well.
     After analysis on strength and weakness of existing routing protocols, this thesis presents a routing protocol with comparatively static property in line with wireless Mesh network’s characteristics. We focus effort on routing technologies of wireless Mesh network which are as follows:
     ①Research on common routing protocols of Mesh network, including proactive ones such as DSDV, WRP, GSR, etc; reactive ones: DSR, TORA, etc; hybrid routing protocols: ZRP.
     ②Focus on the study of principles and implementation process of Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (AODV).
     ③An improved Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector based on Combined Metric routing protocol (CMAODV) is proposed through analysis on merits and weakness of ADOV. Instead of minimum hop count, we propose a combined metric substantially consist of node’s load, available bandwidth and hops. Its main idea is that avoiding the node of heavy load, inducing the network’s congestion, balancing network’s flow. CMAODV add that the node of heavy load refuse route’s forward, so induce route costs.
     ④Conduct simulation and analysis against performance of CMAODV and compare with AODV. Results of simulation show that in wireless Mesh network, CMAODV is better than traditional AODV.
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