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本文对RSA型公钥密码体制进行了研究。第一章介绍了公钥密码学的研究背景、意义、现状以及公钥密码体制的基本概念和标准RSA体制;第二章对TauyoshiTakagi关于n-adic多块RSA型公钥体制的工作做了详细介绍;在第三章里详细介绍了标准RSA低指数攻击方面的研究成果,包括D.Coppersmith等提出的对低指数相关消息RSA的攻击及最新的由Dan Boneh与Glenn Durfee证明的私钥d     本文的主要结果如下:
This thesis mainly has a study on the RSA-type public key
    cryptosystems. In
    Chapter One, the research background, significance and state of
    public-key cryptology
    are introduced along with the introduction to elementary concepts
    of public-key
    cryptosystems and the standard RSA scheme. In Chapter Two, the
    n-adic multi-block
    RSA-type public key cryptosystem presented by Tauyoshi Takagi in
    Crypto'97 has been
    introduced. In Chapter Three, the achievements on the
    low-exponent attack of the
    standard RSA scheme are introduced, including the low-exponent
    attack with related
    massages presented by D.Coppersmith and the new important result
    finished by Dan
    Boneh and Glenn Durfee that the standard RSA scheme with private
    key d less than
    N is insecure, a remark on D.Coppersmith's analysis is also given
    in this chapter. In
    Chapter Four, the work on construction of the RSA analogue over
    polynomial rings by
    SunQi and CaoZhenfu is introduced, and the author's related work
    is also included in
    this chapter.
     The main results of this thesis are as follows:
    1 .Sonie mistakes and confusion made by D.Coppersmith in [31] are
    pointed out; a proof
    that the two encryption polynomials only have one common root
    over Z~ is given,
    which may reflect one aspect of the problem though cannot
    sufficiently demonstrate the
    definity of the attack using Euclidean algorithm to find the
    greatest common divisor of
    the two encryption polynomials over Zn.
    2.A modification of the RSA analogue presented by CaoZhenfu in
    [50] is made, vhich
    has solved the ciphertext extension problem in the above
    analogue, and the security of
    the new scheme is also discussed; another new RSA analogue has
    been proposed, which
    has no ciphertext extension and is much similar to the standard
    RSA scheme in
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