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我国企业当前在技术创新过程中存在的一个突出问题是仅仅重视技术要素,而很大程度上忽略了技术与各非技术要素间的全面协同,从而影响了创新绩效。论文首先根据我国企业技术创新管理实践中面临的这一突出问题和创新管理理论发展现状与不足,提出研究问题。然后分别从创新管理理论、复杂性理论、创新系统观等视角介绍了有关技术创新中协同问题理论研究的现状,指出了当前理论研究的不足和值得进一步深入探讨的问题,并根据国内外有关影响创新绩效关键因素的研究综述,提炼总结了六大要素,即战略、技术、市场、文化、制度、组织要素。继而,系统阐述了近年来由浙江大学创新与发展研究中心研究团队提出的全面创新管理范式(Total Innovation Management,简称TIM)的理论框架,并为下一步的研究提供理论铺垫。第四章介绍了论文研究框架和方法论,并根据前述相关文献研究提出若干假设。
     3)项目成功率二各要素全面协同程度X0.41+2 .92
     l)年专利数=要素全面协同程度XO.31+2 .40
One of the most important problems Chines enterprises facing during the process of technological innovation is that pays too much attation to technological agents, while ignores the total synergy between technology and un-technological agents to some extent.This paper firstly brings forward the research issues according to the "innovation dilemma" which many Chinese enterprises facing currently. Then, from the theoretical perspectives of innovation management, complex theory and innovation system, academic literatures on synergy in innovation manageent are reviewed, and some limitations in current academic researches are pointed out. Based on literature review of key factors influencing innovation performance, this part also refines six key agents, namely strategy, technology, market, culture, institution and organization agent. Based on it, the third chapter introduces systematically the theoretical framework of the new paradigm of Total Innovation Management (TIM), which sets the theoretic background for t
    his esearch. In the fourth chapter, research plan and methodology for this paper are introduced, and some hypotheses are brought forward.
    Chapter five to eight are the core parts of this paper. Based on the view of TIM, theses chapters focus on study of total synergy mechanisms of all innovation eagents, mainly including the process of total synergy, the influencing factors, and approaches of total synergy. What's more, the relation between total synergy of innovation agents and innovation performance, and the qualitative measurement on the degree of total synergy (DTS) are explored by empirical studies. During these studies, a cross-disipline methodology is adopted, which include theory of innovation management, theory of complexity, and theory of systems scencies, etc.
    Main conclusions of this research are as follows:
    1) Technology, market, strategy, culture, institution and organization are the key agents which impacts the innovation performance of the enterprise. To gain better innovation performance, enterprises should promote total synergy of these six key agents under the paradigm of TIM;
    2) The five-phase process model of total synergy, named C~(3)IS is brought forward in this paper, contact/communication, competition/conflict, cooperation, integration and synergy as general five phases in the process of enterprise's technology innovation;
    3 ) Based on literature review and the result of empirical research from more than 100 large and middle Chinese enterprises, some important factors are summaried , and approaches to promot the total synergy of all innovation agents are recommended ;
    4) Synergy betweentechnology and every non-technology agent innovation has strong positive corelation to the degree of total synergy, among which synergy between technology and market agent contributes most, following is between technology and institution agent, technology and organization agent, technology and strategy agent, and the synergy between technology and culture agent contributes least;
    The quantitative relations (regression equation) between them are: degree of total synergy= synergy between technology and organization agent ×0.16+ synergy between technology and institution agent ×0.38+synergy between technology and market agent × 0.46-2.70.
    5) The degree of total synergy among all innovation agents has positive corelations to
    innovation performance, including notable impact on innovation efficiency (R&D speed, the rate of new product, the proportion of commercialized projects) and innovation effect (the number of patents applied per year, new products applied per year, innovative projects per ycar),but don't find enough evidence of impact on innovation cost and cycle;
    The quantitative relations (regression equation) between degree of total synergy and innovation performance are:
    a.innovation efficiency = degree of total synergy × 0.41. 1)R&D speed= degree of total synergy × 0.42+3.01 2)Rate of new products in output= degree of total synergy X 0.42+3.01 3)Rate of suc
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