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The service-oriented computing paradigm has been widely used in recent years. The popular paradigm has also facilitated the development of service-oriented workflow techniques, which is considered to be the future trend of workflow.
     In the existing workflow systems, the traditional workflow techniques just serve a specific industrial area, company, and factory. Thus, the processing flow in such systems is stable. The paper proposes a novel workflow system, which provides graphical user interfaces to users to interact with user and optimize the quality of services based on the users' requirements. According to the workflow of an optimized customer relationship management model, we design and implement the corresponding to optimal controlling strategies and algorithms in our workflow system. Our workflow system has been successfully deployed in a telecommunication company and the operations in the company demonstrate the effectiveness of our system. More specifically, the major contributions of our work are as follows.
     Firstly, the workflow model for customer relationship management, which takes the advantages of service-oriented techniques to provide effective services have been propsed.
     The second an algorithm for workflow path selection based on the theory of human-machine interaction has been propsed. In our algorithm, the D-S theory has been used to perform path selection. Compared with the metrics of quality of services, our algorithm using user awareness can be practical and feasible. Inorder to enhance thevirtual services pool's trust relationship, we proceed the evolutionary computation.
     Finaly, designed a generic service selection algorithm for our workflow system. The theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm can satisfy the application requirements in terms of both time complexity and operation speed. Our algorithm can be even more effective in comparison with some existing solutions to service selection. The practical operations show that the proposed model can be very suitable and effective to real application systems and the model can be further improved.
     The proposed model can be helpful and constructive to various real application systems.
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