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Transport theory is an important method to simulate the process ofheavy-ion reactions, and the collision term is one of the input parts in thetransport models. Free nucleon-nucleon cross section has been always used inthe collision term. However, the contributions from nucleon-nucleoncollisions are as important as that from the mean field contributions atintermediate and high energy heavy ion collisions in the transport modelapproaches. The information on the isospin dependence of the in-mediumnucleon-nucleon cross section is very important for us to constrain thedensity dependence of symmetry energy, especially at super-saturationdensities. Up to now, there is not much study on isospin dependence of thein-medium NN cross section through heavy ion collisions and very largeuncertainty exists concerning the isospin dependence of the in-medium NNcross section. Therefore, to find sensitive observables and then to constrainthe isospin dependence of the in-medium NN cross section is necessary forfinally accurately constrain the density dependence of the symmetry energy.The aim of this work is to search for the sensitive observable for the isospindependence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections.
     The influence of the isospin dependence of in-medium nucleon-nucleoncross sections on the n/p ratios for emitted nucleons in reactions ~(96)Zr+~(96)Zrand ~(96)Ru+~(96)Ru at E/A = 400MeV is investigated by mean of the ImproveQuantum Molecular Dynamics model. The reason for select E/A = 400MeVis that the nucleon-nucleon cross sections are important and elastic collisionchannel is still dominant at this incident energy.
     Firstly, we investigate the nucleon emission mechanism. Our resultsshow that the emitted nucleons with higher kinetic energies carry clearinformation of the isospin dependence of in-medium NN cross sectionsbecause they experience less two-body scatterings. Therefore, the n/p ratiofor emitted high energy nucleons is selected to study the isospin dependence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections.
     Secondly, the influences of isospin dependence of in-mediumnucleon-nucleon cross sections on the n/p ratios of emitted nucleons aresystematically analyzed by varying the ratio R_(iso)~(med)=σ_(np)~(med)/σ_(pp(nn))~(med).Thecorrelation between the n/p ratios for emitted nucleons with E_k>300MeV andR~(med)=σ_(NN)~(med)/σ_(NN)~(free) shows that n/p ratio depends on R_(iso)~(med) and the isospinasymmetry of the reaction system. Therefore, we propose that the n/p ratio ofemitted high energy nucleons in very neutron-rich reaction system at severalhundreds AMeV can be taken as sensitive observable to constrain the isospindependence of in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections.
     Based on the analysis for the difference of the energy distribution andangular distribution on the NN cross section, we find the very small influenceof the cross section on the free neutron and proton ratios, and the obviousinfluence of the stopping power. The calculation result is that the variableQ_(zz)/A decrease with increasing R~(med) and E_(RAT) increase with increasingR~(med). For the different neutron-rich systems, we obtain the small influence ofthe tendency of stopping power on the NN cross section, and the differenceexists in the calculated values.
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