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     本文首先采取高温厌氧-中温好氧-常温生物滤床耦合系统对玉米秸秆/玉米芯燃料乙醇废水进行净化处理,同时获得清洁能源沼气。对燃料乙醇生产过程中的高浓度蒸馏废水及高氨氮预处理废水净化工艺进行了研究。耦合系统由高温厌氧流化床实验(AFBR),好氧气升式环流生物反应器(ALR)和曝气生物滤床(BAF)。在高温厌氧阶段,对燃料乙醇蒸馏废水进行一级处理时,在最优条件下:操作温度54~55℃,水力停留时间(HRT)为48h,AFBR反应器连续长期运行,有机负荷达(OLR)14.1g-COD/L。d,同时甲烷产量达到280mL/g-CODremoved。然后在ALR反应器内共代谢降解处理厌氧出水和预处理废水,在操作温度30~33℃,pH7.0~8.0,表观气速(μg)12mm/s,HRT为15h,COD和氨氮(NH_4~+-N)去除率分别达88.5%和96.7%。最后在BAF中对好氧出水进行深度处理,BAF在常温(18-25℃)下操作,气液比为6:1,HRT为5h,最终出水COD及氨氮降至65.1mg/L和3.9mg/L,达到国家废水一级排放标准(COD≤100mg/L,氨氮≤15mg/L)。16S rRNA分析显示高温厌氧活性污泥中产甲烷菌属以Methanoculleus和Methanosarcina为主,其它功能菌主要包括Clostridia;而好氧污泥中优势菌群主要为Sphingobacteria和Alphaproteobacteria。
     采用木质纤维素燃料乙醇废水做底物,进行了极端嗜热产氢间歇和连续过程的研究。通过批次反复富集获得极端嗜热产氢混合菌群。考察了温度和pH对间歇产氢过程的影响。在pH7.0及70℃下间歇实验氢气产率达到196.4 mL/g-VSadded;在CSTR反应器中,采用蒸馏废水连续进水,在HRT为4d的条件下,稳定产氢量达到172.0mL/g-VSadded;对稳定产氢的CSTR反应器(70℃,pH 7.0及HRT4天)中嗜热产氢菌群菌群构成采用基因克隆技术进行了研究,极端嗜热产氢菌群主要由Thermotoga和Coprothermobacter属的细菌构成。
With the development of bioethanol based on lignocellulosic materials, technologies for purification and resource utilization of bioethanol wastewater can increase the environmental benefits and economy of bioethanol industry. And these technologies are the basic processes for rapid development of bioethanol industry.
     In this study, purification of the wastewater from corn stover and corncob-based bioethanol production process with simultaneous biogas production was investigated in a combined system, which was based on thermophilic anaerobic digestion in a fluidized bed reactor (AFBR), an aerobic airlift loop reactor (ALR), and a biological aerated filter (BAF). High strength distillery wastewater and high ammonia nitrogen content pretreatment wastewater were used as the influents. In the thermophilic anaerobic process (53~55℃), the methane yield of 280mL/g-COD removed was obtained at organic loading rate (OLR) of 14.1g-COD/L·d and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 48 h in the AFBR. Then co-digestion of anaerobic effluent and pretreatment wastewater was carried out in the ALR. COD and NH4+-N average removal rate of 88.5% and 96.7% were obtained at HRT of 10h, temperature of 30~33oC and superficial gas velocity (μg) of 12mm/s. The aerobic effluent was finally purified in the BAF operated at ambient temperature and HRT of 5h with simultaneous removal of COD, NH4+-N and chroma. Final effluent with COD and NH4+-N concentrations of 65.1mg/L and 3.9mg/L was obtained with other main indexes satisfying the primary discharge standards for ethanol industry in China. Clone library analyses show that methanogen were dominated by Methanoculleus and Methanosarcina in thermophilic anaerobic sludge and with other species related to Clostridia. While bacteria in aerobic activated sludge were dominated by species related to Sphingobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria.
     Extreme-thermophilic biohydrogen production from distillery wastewater was investigated in batch and continuous-mode operation. Hydrogen-producing mixed culture was enriched by repeated batch cultivations. Effect of temperature and pH on biohydrogen yield was investigated in batch experiments. The highest hydrogen yield of 196.4 mL/g-volatile solidsaddded (VSadded) was obtained at 70℃and pH 7.0 in batch culture. Continuous biohydrogen production was performed in CSTR reactor with yield of 172.0mL/g-VSadded at HRT of 4 days. The main metabolic products were acetate, lactate, and ethanol. Community structure of hydrogen-producing microflora was investigated by 16S rRNA gene clone library analyses. The microorganisms involved in both batch and continuous-mode were similar and hydrogen production was carried out by a group of extreme-thermophilic bacterial species related to Thermotoga, Coprothermobacter.
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