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随着企业内部结构的复杂化、业务多元化和产品技术的不断升级,企业的创新不再仅仅是单一技术要素的创新,而是全面创新一多种组织要素、技术要素和市场要素之间的互动创新。全面创新管理(Total Innovation Management,TIM)成为在当今复杂多变环境下企业积极应对不确定性的重要手段,也是现今企业创新管理的重要趋势。由于全面创新涉及到多要素的协同创新,它的管理难度有过之而无不及。全面创新意味着领导者要在更大范围内调动企业全体成员的创新积极性,在组织层面上要充分协调各要素之间的互动关系,因而也更具挑战性。本论文试图探索企业全面创新情境中领导系统的一些规律性特点,从而更有效指导企业的全面创新领导实践。
Innovation is no longer a single technological innovation, but a Total Innovation - multi-factors interactive innovation within an organization, due to internal structure complication, business diversification and technology constantly upgrading.
    All factors innovation becomes an important approach to accommodate ever-lasting change and contingency. It also is a trend of modern innovation management. Because of multi-factors synergy innovation involved, the total innovation became even tougher. It means that leaders have to motivate more followers than what they did before, and harmonize inter-relationship between different factors on organizational level. It thus that the total innovation is more challenging.
    This paper tried to explore a sort of regularity of leadership in the total innovation of organizations, thereby; it will guide organizational practices of the total innovation effectively.
    This paper stressed on identifying leadership mechanism and leadership model. The leadership mechanism refers to that, in an organizational practice of the total innovation, components of leadership system and frame of interrelationship between those components, which may lead all employees to realize the total innovation and they are functional basis in the total innovation management. The driving leadership model refers to that, in various scenarios, a stable operation status shown by leadership mechanism components and relationship between those components.
    Leadership mechanism and model, which drive the total innovation in an organization are targets of this paper. The research of this paper based on whole organizational process of leadership, combines dual process and organizational process of leadership together.
    Upon these two levels, this paper established logic chain of integrated research by forming two core constructions (key group in the total innovation and process of the total innovation) and combined dual level and organizational level together.
    The logic chain is: driving leadership behavior of the total innovation → driving leadership mechanism and model → the total innovation achievement. Embodied description of the logic chain is that, in the practice of the total innovation management, leadership mechanism and model of driving the total innovation lift performance of the total innovation, the mechanism and model are founded on leadership behavior of dirving the total innovation by leaders and employees.
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