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本文研究随机需求的越库(Cross Docking)调度的建模和算法。越库调度是指物流的任何中间点只实现收发货的功能而没有货物存储与订单获取的做法。越库调度一般分为两个阶段,从供应商取货到越库中心的过程为第一阶段,从越库中心(Cross Docking Center)将货物配送到客户的过程为第二阶段。越库调度按照运输方式划分,主要有直送(Direct Delivery)和循环取料(Milk Run)两类。越库调度问题属于车辆路径问题的一种。
     根据不同的运输模式,本文研究了两类随机需求的越库调度问题: (1)两阶段直送的随机需求越库调度的建模与算法。首先对问题进行描述并提出问题的假设,并在此基础上提出了两阶段补偿模型及求解问题的样本均值近似算法(SAA算法),同时提出了两阶段的启发式算法。最后通过在小规模情况下进行决策准确性和平稳性的数值实验验证了SAA算法和启发式算法的有效性。
This thesis studies the modeling and heuristics of cross docking scheduling problem with stochastic demand. Cross docking is an operation that moves goods directly from receiving point to shipping point without storage. There are two stages in cross docking scheduling: the first stage in which goods are collected from suppliers to cross docking center by vehicles, the second stage in which goods are sent from cross docking center to customers. Cross docking scheduling can be classed into two classes by the transportation model: direct delivery and milk run. Cross docking scheduling problem is a kind of vehicle routing problem.
     The randomness of demand always occurs in practical scheduling and is difficult to avoid. Also it’s widely studied in stochastic scheduling. However, it’s seldom studied in cross docking scheduling. This thesis analyzes cross docking, transportation models and vehicle routing problems. The stochastic demands in cross docking systems with different transportation models are analyzed. Reasonable assumptions and data generating methods are introduced.
     According to different transportation model, this thesis studied two kinds of cross docking scheduling problems with stochastic demand:
     (1) The modeling and heuristics of two-stage direct directly cross docking scheduling with stochastic demand. First, the problem is described and assumptions are raised. A two-stage recourse model, a SAA based heuristic and a two-stage heuristic are presented. According to the numerical experiment about solution effectiveness and steady in small scale, the SAA heuristic and two-stage heuristic are proved to be effective.
     (2) Modeling and heuristics of direct directly - milk run mixed cross docking with stochastic demand. First, the problem is described and assumptions are raised. A two-stage recourse model, a SAA based heuristic and a capacity reservation based two-stage heuristic are presented. According to the numerical experiment about solution effectiveness and steady in small scale, the SAA heuristic and two-stage heuristic are proved to be effective. And the best parameter settings are given by the large scale numerical experiment.
     This thesis aims to provide decision support for the practical cross docking operation in logistics companies. Also, the research aims to be applied in the practical operation and provide the theory support and useful heuristic for the scheduling management in cross docking system.
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