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As one of the main industrial policy tools for the development of their own industries or to attract foreign investment, subsidy is one of the financial supports for government to encourage the establishment or business of enterprise or industry. At present, in China's industrial areas, the central level of legal subsidies include prohibited subsidies, such as export tax rebates, import of domestic equipment, and Enterprise special, industry special, area special subsidies is the mainstay of China's subsidy system. In addition, industrial subsidies of local level or actual levels are incalculable. The above-mentioned industrial subsidies and subsidy rules under the WTO framework exists larger conflict. Therefore, China should draw on experience of all countries in the world, especially the advanced experience in the subsidy manner set of main sponsors in global countervailing disputes. Moreover, china should comply with treaty obligations, gradually improve the Chinese way of subsidies, and reverse the passive position of China in Foreign countervailing disputes with China, not only clear prohibited subsidies, remodel actionable subsidies, and strengthen and optimize the non-actionable subsidies to realize a more coordinated development for Chinese industry under the financial support.
     This paper first to the concept of subsidies for the entry point, in-depth on the definition of industrial subsidies and the elements, then combing industrial subsidies in the relevant content through the“GATT”,“Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Code”and“SCM Agreement”. And I then defined the rules of industrial subsidies History.
     The classification standard of industrial subsidies is the prerequisite and basis for the status quo of China's industrial subsidies. In this paper, I use“SCM Agreement”of the WTO framework as basis; use the negative impact of subsidies as measure, then analysis of prohibited subsidies, actionable subsidies and non-actionable subsidies, and as a platform for in-depth analysis of its standards identified.
     “He's Mountain Stone, you can attack Jade,”the Chinese way of improving industrial subsidies must learn from the successful experience of developed western countries. Therefore, we selected the United States, the European Union and Canada, and other major countries or regions for the study, described and analysis of industrial subsidies set in typical measures, such as the U.S.“The Advanced Technology Program”and“Renewable Energy Resources”, Hungary's industrial subsidies for SMEs, Austria's“Promotion of Market Exploration”, and Canada’s“the Atlantic Innovation Fund”and“Western Economic Partnership Agreements”.
     The status quo of China's industrial subsidies means the starting point for improvement. For a long time, China's status quo of industrial subsidies mainly is as follows: Prohibition industrial subsidies still exist; the other special subsidies become the main industrial subsidies, non-actionable subsidies of the industrial application of narrow. Compared with developed Western countries, China's industrial subsidies lack of technical in setting, larger conflict with WTO rules.
     Therefore, in future international trade, China's industrial subsidies should be to improve the way from the following aspects: First, in the aspect of liquidation of the prohibited subsidies, eliminate export subsidies and domestic tax rebates, promote some public financial institutions to the autonomy Management, reform SMEs’international market-develop capital project, reform domestic equipment subsidies for Foreign-funded enterprises and domestic -funded enterprises; second, in the field of the remodeling of other special subsidies, reform the energy industry subsidies, reform subsidies of high-tech enterprise, transform prior loans of the State Development Bank; third, in strengthening the non-actionable subsidies, strengthen non-actionable subsidies in development, increase in the backward areas of non-actionable subsidies, the Environmental Protection optimize non-actionable subsidies.
     To sum up, under the wave of liberalization in world trade, China has numerous amounts of subsidies and has a lot of conflict with WTO legal framework for subsidies; prohibited subsidies and other special subsidies under WTO legal framework are the main form of China; and non-actionable subsidies of smaller negative impact are narrow application. Therefore, China should abide by the WTO obligations, improve China's subsidies, clean-up of prohibited subsidies, reform subsidies of other professions, and gradually focus on subsidies under the WTO legal framework of the non-actionable subsidies, thus actively promoting the healthy and rapid development of China's economic.
1 余盛兴,美国对华祭起“反补贴”大旗,WTO 经济导刊,2007)(3)。
    2 Appellate Body Report on Canada - Dairy (Article 21.5 - New Zealand and US), pares 123-125
    4 韩立余,WTO 案例及评析(1995-1999)(下卷)[M]. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社 2000, 161-197.
    5 韩立余,美国对加拿大针叶木材的临时反补贴措施违规[N]. 国际商报, 2002 年 10 月 7 日,第 7 版
    6 Panel Report on Canada - Aircraft (WT/DS46/AB/R)
    7 参见彭岳,贸易补贴的法律规制,法律出版社,2007 年第 1 版。
    8 参见《SCM 协议》第 25 条,“Members shall ensure that their notifications contain the following information: (i) form of a subsidy (i.e. grant, loan, tax concession, etc.)……”
    9 参见彭岳,贸易补贴的法律规制,法律出版社,2007 年第 1 版。
    10 彭岳,贸易补贴的法律规制,法律出版社,2007 年第 1 版。
     11 Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on 1-2 November 1999.G/SCM/M/24,26 April 2000.
    12 Panel Report on Canada – Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft,1999.8.20,WT/DS70
    13 Panel Report on United States-Tax Treatment for Foreign Sales Corporations,2000.3.20, WT/DS108,(Article21.5 - EC)
    14 Appellate Body Report on Canada –Certain Measures Affecting the Automotive Industry, WT/DS 139 and 142,2000.7.19
    15 Australia – Subsidies Provided to Producers and Exporters of Automotive Leather II,WT/DS126,1999.6.16
    16 Appellate Body Report on Canada –Certain Measures Affecting the Automotive Industry, WT/DS 139 and 142,2000.7.19
    17 Gary Clyde Hulfauer and Joanna Shelton Erb, Subsidies in international Trade(1984),MIT Press, p.21
    18 [美]保罗·克鲁格曼、茅瑞斯·奥伯斯法尔德著,《国际经济法学》(第五版),海闻等译,中国人民大学出版社,2002 年版,第 188 页。
     19 李本,补贴与反补贴制度分析,北京大学出版社,2005 年第 1 版,37 页。
    20 彭岳,贸易补贴的法律规制,法律出版社,2007 年第 1 版,第 142 页。
     23 李本,补贴与反补贴制度分析,北京大学出版社,2005 年,49 页。
     24 New and full notification pursuant to article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994 and article 25 of SCM (G/SCM/N/123/USA), 15 November 2007. p.45—p.47.
     25 New and full notification pursuant to article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994 and article 25 of SCM (G/SCM/N/123/USA), 15 November 2007, p.12—p.14.
     26 参阅 New and full notification pursuant to article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994 and article 25 of SCM (G/SCM/N/155/EEC/Add.12),23 November 2007。 27 匈牙利货币(福林)单位
     28 New and full notification pursuant to article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994 and article 25 of SCM (G/SCM/N/155/EEC/Add.1), 22 November 2007, p.12—p.13.
     29 New and full notification pursuant to article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994 and article 25 of SCM (G/SCM/N/155/CAN, 11 October 2007, p.15.
    30 New and full notification pursuant to article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994 and article 25 of SCM (G/SCM/N/155/CAN, 11 October 2007, p.17—p.18.
    69 参见《补贴与反补贴措施协议》第 8 条“不可起诉补贴的涵义”。
     72 叶全良等,国际商务与反补贴,北京,人民出版社,2005 年第 1 版,第 79 页。
     73 叶全良等,国际商务与反补贴,人民出版社,2005 年,第 81 页。
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