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In the past decade, montmorillonite (MMT), due to its specific characteristics, has been extensively studied in the preparation of clay/polymer matrix nanocompoistes. Taking advantage of high aspect ratio of MMT platelets and negative charges on their basal faces, this work introduced the method of electrophoretic deposition (EPD) into preparation of MMT/polymer matrix nanocomposites. For a comparison, insulated cathodic electrophoretic acrylic resin (CEAR) and electrically conductive polypyrrole (PPy) were employed as the polymer matrix, respectively, and two kinds of composites were investigated.
     The first part of our work is the construction of CEAR/MMT nanocomposite films and coatings by EPD. Given the compatibility between MMT and CEAR, and the intercalation of CEAR molecular into NMMT platelets, we prepared the CEAR/MMT nanocomposite films and coatings from the aqueous electrolyte directly. XRD, SEM, TEM, tensile testing and nano-indentation showed good dispersion of MMT in polymer matrix and effective improvement in modulus, strength and hardness. Coating testing showed good flexibility and adhesive force maintained after introduction of MMT but a little decrease in water resistance.
     The second part is the preparation of PPy/MMT nanocomposite films and coatings by EPD, in which we replaced insulated CEAR with electrically conductive PPy. Due to the excellent conductivity of PPy, pyrrole monomer deposited on the electrode and polymerized continuously. As a result, the thickness of films can be controlled by deposition time, in other words, highly ordered composite films could be obtained under a relatively long deposite time. Tensile testing and nano-indentation showed a great improvement of the mechanical properties including modulus, strength and hardness when clay loading was relatively low. And also the electric conductivity of composite films improved for the restrict growth of PPy in the interspace of NMMT platelets.
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