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In the times of knowledge economy, knowledge work team is increasingly becoming one of the foremost work approaches in organizations. Team requires more employees of different demographic attributes to work together, which makes diversity be in the spotlight. Diversity is a double-edged sword for team efficiency. Diversity can enhance team efficiency by inspiring members to give high quality solutions, but at the same time which can decrease cohesion and increase conflict, finally decrease team efficiency. So, it’s significant for both theory and practice to regulate team diversity availably.
     Based on an exploratory experiment and interrelated theory research, the dissertation investigates the complicated relationships between diversity and knowledge work team efficiency; mediating effect of conflict has been analyzed between diversity and knowledge work team efficiency; in addition, moderating effect of routineness task has also been tested between diversity and knowledge work team efficiency.
     Team diversity and conflict has been divided into two dimensions in order to explore the effect relationship between diversity and knowledge work team efficiency clearly. The relation model of diversity-team conflict-knowledge work efficiency has been built. Nine hypothesizes has been set up in the dissertation. An empirical study has been carried out to gather survey data from enterprises. Survey data has been processed by correlation analysis and regression analysis with the aid of software SPSS13.0.
     The research results show different diversity has different avenue to affect knowledge work team efficiency. High job-related diversity affects knowledge work team efficiency via task conflict, but low job-related diversity affects knowledge work team efficiency via relationship conflict. Task conflict has a positive effect on knowledge work team efficiency. In the other round, relationship conflict has a negative effect on knowledge work team efficiency. Further researches show task conflict has an incomplete mediating effect between diversity and knowledge work team efficiency. Relationship conflict also has an incomplete mediating effect between diversity and knowledge work team efficiency. As a moderator, routineness task has a moderating effect on the relationship between high job-related diversity and task conflict.
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