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The mode of corporate governance is the results of corporation's long-term evolution. A good mode not only ensures the benefits of shareholders, creditors and stakeholders associated with improvement of the company's operating performance and firm value, but also is conducive to continued and steady growth of a country's economy. A remarkable characteristic of East Asian economic development is that the large-scale enterprises play an important role in the period of economic take-off and growth. However, the company's development and their governance structure are inseparable. The characteristics of corporate governance in East Asia are mainly reflected in two aspects:one is that corporation is controlled by "substantial shareholder" such as banks, government, family, and other key person who hold the actual controlling rights of the company directly or indirectly and restrict corporate managers, the other is the external markets such as stock market, market of professional managers, corporate controlling market are difficult to constitute an effective constraint on managers. This type of corporate governance based on non-market constraints plays a remarkable performance during the period of East Asian economic development and promotes rapid economic growth as well as create "East Asian miracle." However, corporate governance in East Asia has exposed many shortcomings such as minority shareholders and company's interests are expropriated by "key person", company's poor operating performance and value, the lack of competition associated with the domestic economy development is severely hampered which is one of the main reasons of Japan's "bubble economy" burst economic depression and the Asian financial crisis so as that some scholars believe that the East Asian crisis is essentially a corporate governance crisis. The features and functions of corporate governance in East Asia, its problems and the direction of reform and ways which are major issues to be further explored.
     The dissertation is organized as follows:the first chapter is an introduction. In this chapter, it introduces the research background and significance, defines several basic concepts and discriminates the basic theory of corporate governance from theoretical level as well as points out the main contents of this paper, the framework and the main research methods.
     ChapterⅡis review of corporate governance in East Asia. It reviews the current status of corporate governance of East Asia from three aspects related to family-constrained governance, legal person-constrained governance and government-constrained besides a brief comment on them.
     The next chapter is the three stages of evolution of corporate governance in East Asia. It overviews some typical models of corporate governance before Asian financial crisis and improvement of corporate governance mode after the Asian financial crisis which provides a frame of reference for researching corporate governance in East Asia.
     In chapter IV, it analyzes the basic characteristics roles, problems and causes of legal-constrained corporate governance mode in East Asia comprehensively based on Japanese corporate governance. It points out that cross-shareholdings, contingent governance by main bank and lifetime employment which are called "three magic weapons" has played a positive role in the maintenance of company operation and savings of supervision cost. However, its deficiencies of "internal control" and development lag of external corporate governance market have been exposed.
     In the following chapter, it discusses the reasons for East Asian government as the main governance body and characteristics of government-constrained governance. On one hand, the government active involvement in corporate governance promotes the company's development and growth to some extent under the condition of market failure associated with the absence of laws and regulations which is also the causes of the East Asian miracle; on the other hand, the massive intervention in the company by the government is not conducive to raising the level of corporate governance and company performance improvement. The empirical study results coming from China's listed companies show that the smaller control of business activities of the companies and the more degree of legal protection for the company by government, the more conducive to business performance improvement.
     Chapter VI analyzes the corporate governance reform, approaches and results achieved in East Asia. The empirical study results coming from China's listed companies show that mergers and acquisitions can improve the company's performance to some extent and the influence on firm performance by market-oriented mergers and acquisitions is better than that of government-oriented. Based on above analysis, this paper argues that the future direction of transformation of corporate governance in East Asia is still a market-constrained governance mode. The independence of board of directors and supervisors are to be improved as well as their functions need to be exerted. Moreover, the construction of external governance market should be accelerated, the enforcement of relevant laws and regulations should be improved and strengthened associated with the government's role in corporate governance is need to be changed.
     The last chapter summarizes the main conclusions and innovation, which pointes out the shortcomings of the dissertation and proposes the specific ideas of further research.
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    ①对主银行定义的概括最具代表性的学者当属Aoki and Patrick(1994)。转引自孙丽《公司治理结构的国际比较:日本启示》,社会科学文献出版社2008年版,第221-222页。
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