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     第二,介绍了无线网状网中现有的路由协议,针对路由判据这一当前热点问题展开研究,在归纳和分析几种具有代表性的路由判据基础上,提出了一种多判据的无线网状网路由算法MEIL(Routing Metric on ETX,Interference and Load)。MEIL将无线链路的质量,同频信道之间的干扰以及节点的负载情况综合起来考虑,作为路由选择的判据,使得数据包可以沿着丢包率少、干扰低、负载轻的路径传输,有利于提高网络性能。仿真结果表明,相比于其他常见的路由算法,MEIL能够产生较好的吞吐量与时延特性。
     第三,为了解决现有的无线网状网路由协议在实际无线信道环境下性能降低的问题,提出了一种基于概率路由思想的SPRP(Simple Proportional Routing Protocol)协议。SPRP预先建立好以网关节点为根节点的路由树,当数据包到达时,根据无线链路当前的丢包率与节点中预存的子节点集合,动态选择下一跳节点,减轻了链路质量突变对路由协议的影响。同时,由于报文是经过多条可能的路径到达目的节点,从而平衡了网络中节点的负载状况。仿真结果表明,SPRP能够在信道质量不稳定的情况下,有效提高系统吞吐量,降低业务延时。
     第四,在研究网络编码相关理论知识的基础上,针对现有的网络编码技术在无线网状网中的应用问题进行了深入的探讨,并提出一种基于业务优先级的概率编码策略PNCP(Proportional Network Coding with Priority)。PNCP主要考虑到无线网状网中业务类型的差异较大,并且报文的到达过程通常具有随机性的问题,使节点为优先级不同的业务流分别维护缓存队列,根据业务自身的优先级和当前队列的状态,灵活的选择是否进行网络编码。利用马尔可夫链建立了节点缓存队列的状态转换模型,并在此模型下推导出丢包率、队列长度、延时等参数的理论值。理论分析和仿真结果都验证了PNCP简单高效的编码策略使其在几乎不影响网络编码优势的前提下,较大幅度的改善了系统性能。
     第五,无线网状网中信道衰落、地理环境等因素会导致随机丢包现象的频繁出现,传统的TCP拥塞控制机制由于无法判断丢包原因,往往会不必要的减小拥塞窗口,导致吞吐量无法得到提高。文中提出了一种根据回路响应时间RTT(Round-Trip Time)的变化进行拥塞控制的算法MRBR(Modified Reno Based RTT)。MRBR在慢启动阶段根据RTT值进行带宽估计,避免网络发生拥塞时连续多个报文的丢失。在拥塞避免阶段,利用RTT值实时估算网络拥塞等级,区分拥塞丢包与随机丢包,并相应的改变拥塞窗口的大小,仿真的结果也显示出MRBR算法的性能优势。
A Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) is a distribution network of mesh topology, in which the communications between nodes rely on mutual collaboration in wireless multi-hop manner, to provide Internet access for End-Users. WMNs have recently received a great deal of global attention because of its advantages of high capacity, high data rate, low cost and good scalability. However, the mesh network topology, multi-radio multi-channel configuration, and the complexity of wireless environment make the system performance unfit for the requirement of users. So the design of routing and transmission protocols is critical to the performance of wireless mesh networks, and it has been an active area of research recently.
     Focused on the mesh routing and transmission, this dissertation discusses and analyzes the problems of routing protocol, network coding and congestion control in detail. Main contents and innovations are listed as follows:
     1) The background and research status of WMNs are reviewed firstly. Problems within each layer, especially in routing and transmission layers, are introduced.
     2) The study of existing routing protocols in WMNs shows that the selection of routing metrics is very important. A routing protocol named MEIL (Routing Metric on ETX, Interference and Load) is proposed in Chapter 3. MEIL designs routing metrics according to the wireless link loss, interference between channels as well as the load of wireless mesh nodes. Then it chooses the path with lower loss, smaller interference and lighter load. Simulation results show that it improves the throughput of wireless mesh network efficiently.
     3) Considering the instability of link quality, Chapter 3 also presents a novel routing protocol named SPRP (Simple Proportional Routing Protocol). SPRP constructs a spanning tree based on the gateway node in advance. It doesn't choose the "Best Path", but selects next hop for a single packet according to the wireless link loss at that instant. In this way, SPRP can efficiently mitigate the impact of high loss rates and balance the load of nodes. Simulation results indicate that SPRP outperforms other common routing protocols with better packet delivery ratio and less end-to-end delay.
     4) Based on the research of network coding, Chapter 4 proposes a Proportional Network Coding with Priority (PNCP) method. Considering the diversity of traffic flows and the stochastic nature of the packet arrival process in wireless mesh networks, PNCP keeps different queues in node buffer for different flows. Whether a packet is transmitted with or without network coding is determined by its priority and the queue state. A Markov Chain Model is formulated to analyze PNCP's performance in terms of delay and packet loss. Theoretical calculation and simulation results show that PNCP produces better performance than the current strategy without degrading the predominance of network coding.
     5) The application of TCP over wireless mesh networks is a challenging work due to high bit error rates. Chapter 5 proposed a congestion control scheme MRBR (Modified Reno Based RTT). In slow start phase, MRBR estimates the bandwidth using RTT to avoid sequential packets loss. In congestion avoidance phase, MRBR estimates congestion level by RTT, distinguishes between wireless link error and network congestion, as well as changes the congestion window size. Network simulation shows that MRBR improves the throughput of wireless mesh networks.
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