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     1.提出采用CHT(Circle Hough Transform)法与CC(Connected Components)处理相结合的方法,对C形臂X线图像中的标志物投影进行自动识别并提取数据。将CHT生成的2D积累空间作为一种特殊的图像进行取阈操作,并对生成的二值化图像进行CC处理。该方法与单纯的CHT法相比具有更高的检测精度;与单纯的取阈二值化方法相比具有更高的抗复杂背景及抗噪声鲁棒性。
     2.提出一种MLS(Moving Least Squares)法与MBA(Multilevel B-spline Approximation)法集成的曲面拟合方法,并将其应用于C形臂X线图像变形校正。该方法兼具传统的全局及局部校正算法在精度方面的优势;该方法还考虑了现有算法中极少考虑的,由C形臂影像增强器制造安装误差所引入的图像“局部”变形问题。
     本文对基于C形臂手术导航的关键技术进行了系统深入的理论研究,并设计了相关软件算法。在此基础上,初步开发了面向脊柱椎弓根钉植入手术的应用系统SpiNav-I(Spine Navigation-I)。计算机辅助手术导航技术正逐渐为国内医学界所关注、认可与推广应用。本研究工作将对我国计算机辅助手术导航技术的知识产权自主化起到一定的推动作用。
Image-guided surgical (IGS)technology is a major research field of the computer assisted surgery navigation. C-arm based surgical navigation technology is a typical branch of IGS technology. A C-arm based surgical navigation system use C-arm acquired fluoroscopic images for surgical process guiding. In order to fulfill the surgical navigation functions, the fluoroscopic images must be processed to identify certain objects and extract relevant data; the distortions of the fluoroscopic images must be corrected; the C-arm system must be calibrated to get relevant imaging parameters. Nevertheless, at present, there are still many disadvantages on the research of these key techniques. The disadvantages mainly focus on the follows aspects: the object identification and relevant data extraction algorithms are not robust and accurate enough; the image distortion correction accuracy is too low, the distortion correction algorithms are too sensitive to certain element distortions, the existing algorithms don`t count for correction of local image distortions; the existing C-arm calibration algorithms are too complicated, there are too much transition links in the existing algorithms, the ultimate calibration accuracy is low. In addition, current research of C-arm based surgical navigation techniques mainly focus on software, few attention was paid on the design of C-arm calibration target and surgical tools. In fact, optimization design of these mechanical parts are of great importance for the enhancement of overall surgical navigation performance. In this paper, we focus on the research of the above mentioned key techniques. The main contents are as follows.
     1. A CHT(Circle Hough Transform) and CC(Connected Components) processing combined method was brought forward for object identification and data extraction. Take the CHT output accumulative space as a special image and process it to get a binary image, in the following, the binary image is processed with a special CC analysis method to get the ultimate data. Compared with the existing methods, the new one is more robust and accurate.
     2. An MLS(Moving Least Squares) and MBA(Multilevel B-spline Approximation) integrated method was brought forward for fluoroscopic images distortion correction. The method possesses advantages of the existing global correction methods and local correction methods simultaneously. In addition, the new method possesses excellent local image distortion correction performance.
     3. Evaluated the existing camera calibration method. On this basis, decided on Faugeras`s calibration method for C-arm imaging system calibration. The calibration method was further simplified. The simplified method is more easy for execution and possesses higher efficiency. Combined with improved C-arm calibration target, the C-arm calibration quality can be enhanced by using Faugeras`s calibration method.
     4. Evaluated the existing C-arm calibration targets, analyzed their shortcomings. On this basis, proposed design of an improved C-arm calibration target. Different fabricating techniques are to be used for the improved calibration target. The improved calibration target is to be more accurate and cheap, it is also favorable to enhance the overall surgical navigation performance.
     In this paper we put emphasis on researching key technology of C-arm surgical navigation system. We designed relevant computerized algorithms. On this basis, we developed a tentative navigation system, SpiNav-I(Spine Navigation-I), to assist inserting screws in the pedicles of vertebral arches. Since computer assisted surgical navigation technologies are attracting more and more attention. I think my research work will benefit Intellectual property rights autonomy of our country in the field of computer assisted surgical navigation.
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