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Purpose To detect the correlation of DLBCL to the prognosis using Choi’s and Han’s classification.
     Methods Ninty-nine cases of DLBCL were studied using immunohistochemistry EnVision method for bcl-2,bcl-6,CD10, FOXP1 ,GCET1,MUM1 in Shanxi Tumor Hospital. Follow-up was included. They were classified according to Han’s and Choi algorithm. Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) for bcl-6 gene expression(located on chromosome 3q27)was performed on paraffin-embedded tissues of 35 case.
     Results In Han’s classification, 21(21.9%) cases were GCB subtype and 78 cases(78.1%) nonGCB subtype. The Choi’s classification has been re-classified 4 cases, 23(23.2%) cases were GCB subtype and 76 cases(76.8%) nonGCB subtype, the follow-up data also confirmed that this new classification was included in the 4 patients with similar prognosis classified group. GCB group survival rate was better than nonGCB’s (P = 0.000) by Choi’s. The prognosis of FOXP1-positive group was better than negative group (P = 0.011). There were significant differences in prognosis between GCET1 positive group and negative group (P = 0.027).Bcl-2 protein expression was useful for Hans(P=0.003) and Choi’s(P=0.000) classification but not benefit for prognosis. Breakage of 3q27 was detected in 7 of the 35 case(20%)and proliferation was detected in 10 case(28%).Bcl-6 rearrangement was more frequently encountered in the nonGCB-like type(15 was positive in all 35 cases,43%).There is no relationship between bcl-6 gene rearrangement and bcl-6 protein expression.
     Conclusion On the basis of classification , GCB group had a better clinical outcome than nonGCB group. FOXP1, GCET1 ,bcl-6protein expression is associated with different outcome in DLBCL. bcl-2 protein expression is helpful for immunophenotyping. Both of Choi and Han’s algorithm were play an important role in immunophenotyping and prognosis.
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