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     针对宠物毛发问题产生的原因,选取玉米幼芽提取物(Extracts of Maize Plunmule,EMP)作为本实验研究对象,通过建立在体和体外毛囊紫外(UVA)氧化损伤模型验证EMP对毛囊氧化损伤的保护作用,评价EMP对毛囊氧化损伤的保护效果,并在此基础上开发一种新型宠物美毛保健产品。
     正交试验设计筛选出最佳配比为EMP 1%、大豆粉与海藻粉的配比为1:0.5、蔗糖5%、羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)1.5%、硬酯酸镁1.5%,烘干温度为35℃。制得的片剂对光和热都较稳定,但有吸湿现象,故应干燥保存。
     For the cause of pet hair problem, select Extracts of Maize Plunmule(EMP) as the experimental subjects, through the establishment of hair follicles in vivo and in vitro ultraviolet (UVA) model validation EMP oxidative damage to the hair follicle protective effect on hair follicles EMP evaluation of the protective effect of oxidative damage, and on this basis ,to develop a new type of pet hair protection products.
     (1) In vivo experiment: Taking C57BL / 6 mice as experimental animals, 30 mice were randomly divided into five groups, namely: control group, UVA model, EMP low-dose, EMP medi-dose, EMP high-dose group, the use of oral administration, through hair follicles in mice Characterization of observation, the length of observation, histochemical observation, by means of detection of apoptotic cells to study the hair growth cycle after EMP used on the UVA-induced oxidative damage hair follicles.
     (2) In vitro experiment: The C57BL / 6 mouse hair follicle cells cultured in vitro, for the six experimental groups, respectively: control group, UVA model, EMP low-dose group, EMP medi-dose group, EMP high-dose group and positive drug control group. Taking DMEM as basal medium, to make mouse hair follicle bulb cells isolated and cultured by enzymatic digestion, to determine the survival rate of hair follicel cell with UVA irradiation by MTT, and to observe the morphological changes of cells by phase contrast microscope; to determine the activities of SOD, GSH-Px and the cotent of MDA by biochemical methods, as well as the change of GSH / GSSG ratio.
     (3) Preparation of hair protection products:Through the pre-test and hunting a large number of the relevant literature, using orthogonal design, selecting ratio of the best formula, using direct compression methods, to prepare an EMP pet hair protection products.
     (1) The experimental results in vivo: EMP oral administration of various doses of UVA group than in model group mice back skin from pink to black, the mere mention earlier (P <0.05), the skin is black to extend the total time (P <0.05), from the skin into the long-haired black shorten the time interval (P <0.05); the results of histological examination with the naked eye to observe changes in the skin, but the end of the experiment EMP mice administered various doses of the length of the back of new hair model group compared with the UVA there was no significant difference; on the tissue levels of follicle cell apoptosis, compared with the UVA model EMP can significantly inhibit cell apoptosis in hair follicles (P <0.01).
     (2) The experimental results in vivo: By UVA irradiation of cells after injury to reduce the number, shape, shrinkage, decreased cell adhesion, EMP protection, add a slight shrinkage of cells, normal cells; EMP can significantly increase the radiation UVA in fibroblast GSH / GSSG ratio (P <0.01), as well as SOD and GSH-Px activity (P <0.01), lower MDA content (P <0.01).
     (3) Hair protection product preparation and quality evaluation results: Orthogonal experimental design selected for the best ratio of EMP 1%, soybean meal and seaweed powder ratio of 1:0.5, 5% sucrose, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) 1.5%, the dolomol 1.5% , drying temperature of 35℃. The tablets obtained are more stable to light and heat, but the phenomenon of moisture and should be preserved dry.
     Through the EMP levels in animal and cellular levels of oxidative damage to the hair follicle, we can see the protection of experimental, EMP can be effectively maintained after oxidative damage of the hair follicle growth cycle of hair into the growth of mice, and spontaneous catagen after re-entering the rest period, induced hair, hair growth and prolong the growing season, early in the growing season can accelerate hair growth in mice, but had no effect on the length of the final hair; of hair follicle cells have a clear role in anti-oxidative damage, oxidative stress can enhance the follicle cells of antioxidant enzymes vitality, maintenance of cell morphology and function of the integrity and effective inhibition of cell apoptosis.
     Through the relevant indicators, the selection of orthogonal factors, the use of direct compression tablets were prepared by an EMP for the effective component of the products, the tablet has a clean appearance, palatability, and convenience of taking the advantages of pets is expected to become the new generation of edible pet hair protection products.
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