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     渗透胁迫下多胺的动态变化研究表明,渗透胁迫6h,两个品种叶片的fPut含量都急剧升高,豫麦18的升高幅度大于扬麦9号,但在胁迫6h后fPut含量急剧下降,并稳定在200nmol/g Fw左右的水平,然而扬麦9号的fPut水平在胁迫6h后仅稍有下降,随后稳定在300 nmol/g Fw左右的水平。两个品种的fSpd和fSpm水平在胁迫6h内与对照无大差别,然而在胁迫6h后,豫麦18的fSpd和fSpm急剧升高,12h后,分别稳定在150-200 nmol/gFW和80-100nmol/g Fw水平,而扬麦9号的fSpd和fSpm含量在胁迫48h内变化不明显。检测PISCC-PAs发现,随着胁迫时间的延长,两个品种叶片的PISCC-Put逐渐升高,但是豫麦18在胁迫12h后的升高幅度明显大于扬麦9号。这些结果表明,小麦幼苗对渗透胁迫的适应不仅表现为胁
    下降幅度明显小于扬麦9号,而膜上NCC一SPd和Pl SCC一Put含量在渗透胁迫下的上升
Drought is a problem worldwide that threatens food supplies. To investigate the mechanism of plant response to drought stress and to improve the drought tolerance has been one of major considerations for a long time. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the important food crops. Polyamines (PAs) are biologically ubiquitous aliphatic amines with low molecular weight that are implicated in many aspects of growth and development. However, the studies on the relationship between polyamines and tolerance of plant to water stress remain disagreement, especially on the significance of great accumulation of putrescine (Put) under water stress, and at the same time the studies on relationship between conjugated polyamines and water stress are still lacking. The subcellular localization of conjugated polyamines in plants under osmotic stress and involvement of polyamine in water stress-induced signaling pathway have not yet been documented. Here, two wheat cultivars with different drought stress-tolerance (Yumai No.
     18 cv., drought-tolerant; Yangmai No.9 cv., drought-sensitive) were used as experimental materials to study the changes in PA kinds and forms, cellular localization and function of polyamines in seedlings subjected to PEG-6000 osmotic stress. The results are as follow:
    PEG osmotic stress led to increases of three free polyamine level (fPut, fSpd and fSpm) in the leaves of two wheat cultivar seedlings. FSpd, fSpm and PISCC-Put (perchloric acid insoluble covalently conjugated Put) levels in leaves of Yumai No. 18 cv. (drought-tolerant) increased more markedly than those in Yangmai No.9 cv. (drought-sensitive) after polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6,000 treatment for 7 d, while fPut level has a more significant increase in Yangmai No.9. Thus Yumai No. 18 cv. gave a higher ratio of (fSpd + fSpm) / fPut than Yangmai No.9 cv. in leaves in response to osmotic stress. PEG osmotic stress also induced increases of perchloric acid soluble covalently conjugated polyamine ( PSCC-PA: PSCC-Put, PSCC-Spd and PSCC-Spm) levels in leaves, but such a increase has no aparently difference between the two cv. wheat seedlings. The results suggested that fSpd, fSpm and PISCC-Put in leaves enhance the adaptation of the seedlings to osmotic stres.
    This hypothesis has also been demonstrated by the results of experiments with exogenous polyamines and inhibitors and was consistent with the results of experiments on wheat coleoptiles.
    FPut level increased greatly in leaves of two cv. wheat seedlings with PEG treatment for 6 h, but fPut level in Yumai No. 18 cv. decreased sharply to a low level (200 nmol/g FW) after 6 h, while in Yangmai No.9 cv. a high level of fPut (300 nmol/g FW) was remained after 6 h. PEG osmotic stress affected slightly the fSpd and fSpm levels in leaves of two cv. wheat seedlings during PEG treatment for 6 h. However, after 6 h, the levels of fSpd and fSpm in leaves of Yumai No. 18 cv. increased greatly, while the increase in Yangmai No.9 cv. was slight. We also found that Yumai No. 18 cv. have greater increases of PISCC-Put than Yangmai No.9 cv. in leaves after PEG treatment for 12 h. These results suggested that tolerance of wheat seedlings to osmotic stress-induced injury is attributed not only to the great increase of fPut in leaves at prophase, but also to the conversion of fPut to fSpd, fSpm and PISCC-Put in time. This hypothesis has also been demonstrated by the results of experiments with exogenous polyamines and inhibitors.
    Under osmotic stress, significant increases of NCC-Spd, NCC-Spm and PISCC-Put levels and activity of H+-ATPase were observed in root plasma membrane (PM) of drought-tolerant Yumai No. 18 cv. wheat seedling, while no obvious change was found in drought-sensitive Yangmai No.9 cv. Furthermore, Yumai No. 18 gave more obvious increase of PISCC-Spd than Yangmai No. 9. The results suggested that the tolerance of the wheat seedlings to osmotic stress was associated with the activity of H+-ATPase and the contents of NCC-Spd and NCC-Spm and CC-Put and CC-Spd in PM of the seedling roots.
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