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The concept of heterogeneity on the fault rupture plane was firstly put forward to explainhigh frequency radiation components of seismic waves, suggesting these components aregenerated by the portions where the stress is significantly higher than the surrounding part of thefault plane. The models of inhomogeneous earthquake faulting can account for complexcomponents, rupture genesis before the main shock of seismic waves and stress concentration afterthe main rupture, so the fault heterogeneity is considered to be the important factor that determinesinitiating, resistance and stress concentration on the fault plane. According to the functions ofheterogeneity in the earthquake rupture process, two models have been suggested to describe suchheterogeneity: asperity model and barrier model. An asperity can be regarded as a high-strengthpart which does not rupture before the earthquake and could be the starting point or seriousdamage point for the next earthquake. A barrier is a high-stress concentration area which may bethe boundary of a fault rupture section to limit the rupturing, or will terminate the rupturing inextreme cases. So far, many foreign scholars have made detailed studies on this issue, providingsupportive evidence for seismic risk analysis. While little work results on this subject has beenreported at home. This thesis focuses on identification methods of heterogeneity on the faultrupture plane with case studies on several well-documented fault zones and discussion itsapplication to seismic hazard analysis.
     1. Identification methods of asperities on the fault zone
     Asperity is defined as tough locked segment of stress accumulation in a fault system, whicheventually releases most energy to spawn a major quake. In the case that a fault has generatedmajor quakes that are instrumentally recorded and investigated, the asperities on this fault can bedetermined, including their size and location, by analysis of seismic waves and joint inversion ofsurface displacement data. In the case without these data available, how to identify asperitiesremain a problem to be solved. The thesis presents several methods based on b values from small quakes and coseismic displacements.
     (1) Analysis of b values
     This work collected, sorted and analyzed data of small earthquakes on the Longmen Shanfault zone and Xianshuihe fault zone since1970. Using the matlab platform and zmap software,the clustering data and aftershocks are removed, and time intervals and magnitude ranges ofeffective seismic data are defined. Then, in terms of the maximum likelihood analysis, the bvalues are mapped for the areas where the two fault zones are situated. On the assumption that thesize of the b value is inversely proportional to that of stress, the positions of asperities on the faultzone can be determined according to low-b value areas. On the Longmen Shan fault zone, theasperities derived from b-value distribution are largely consistent with the rupture initiation andmeisoseismal areas in their localities. While for the Xianshuihe fault zone, although partialsections lack b-value distribution due to limited data of small earthquakes, asperities can beestimated for most of the fault zone using this method, which are just the locations wherehistorical major events since1725and recent M5shocks since1970took place. These caseanalyses show that the low-b value areas are correlated with the epicenters of major quakes, thus itis possible to identify asperities of a fault zone using data of b values from small shocks.
     (2) Analysis of coseismic displacements
     Assume that coseismic displacements along the fault zone observed on the ground are relatedto the slip distribution on the fault rupture plane. Considering that asperities of a fault can beinferred from slip displacement distribution as suggested of previous work, this thesis attempts toestablish the asperity model based on statistics to data of coseismic displacements. Such data werecollected from10strike-slip faults in western China for the model to be constructed. In this model,two parameters are defined in terms of coseismic displacements: one is the ratio of maximumasperity’ length or area to the whole fault rupture, and the other is all asperities to the wholerupture. It requires that there are enough data of surface coseismic displacements available and theration of maximum displacement to the average one cannot exceed3.0
     Taking the2001Kunlun Shan M8.1and2008Wenchuan M8.0as examples, locations andsizes of asperities on their faults are estimated using the method aforementioned. The results arelargely consistent with that derived from seismic wave inversion in previous work. If thisapproach is indeed correct and effective, it would be more applicable for those faults only with displacement data of historical or paleoearthquake earthquakes but lacking instrumental records.In particular, in the case that surface displacements of can be clearly measured by the LIDARtechnology, this method seems to have a big advantage as a new approach.
     2. Identification of barriers on fault zones
     In theory, barriers on a fault should be related with its geometry. For instance, at dilational orantidilational jogs, and bends of a strike-slip fault, coseismic displacement can decrease abruptly.These localities can be regarded as barriers to obstruct further spread of rupture. Such barriers canbe divided into persistent and non-persistent barriers.
     In light of many case studies at home and around the world, this thesis suggests a scalerelationship between earthquake magnitude and the width of a jog or barrier, which can stoprupturing, on a strike-slip fault using statistics. The results are as follows: the minimum widths are3km,4km,6km, and8km for M6.0~6.9, M7.0~7.5, M7.5~8.0, and M8.0~8.5, respectively. Andthe dilatational jog is easier to rupture through than the antidilational jog.
     3. Recurrence models of potential seismic sources considering heterogeneity and seismichazard analysis
     At present, prediction of earthquake occurrence and ground motions contains uncertainties ofsome extent, thus it is usually expressed by a probability form. In probabilistic analysis of seismichazard, the potential seismic source model is an important factor which is commonly assumed tobe uniform. However, an earthquake source can be very large and is actually not uniform due tothe heterogeneity of the fault including its geometry and physical properties. Thus this factorshould be taken into consideration when a recurrence model of a seismogenic fault is constructed.
     (1)Recurrence models of potential sources
     This work collected and analyzed data of paleoearthquakes on22faults in the northeasternTibetan plateau, and calculated the density function of earthquake recurrence in this region. Fromthis function, the conditional probabilities of in situ recurrence of major events in the future100years can be computed. Comparison of the model from this thesis with the currently used modelshows that when the independent t/R in the general model approaches1, the growth amplitude ofrecurrence probability is less sensitive than that of the fitting model in this thesis. It means that the common recurrence model is suitable for those faults with long recurrence intervals and few dataof paleoearthquakes. While for the faults with well-studied paleoearthquakes, particularly withshorter intervals and longer elapsed time, the model in this work would yield better estimates ofseismic risks in the future.
     (2)Uncertainties in estimation of upper limit of magnitude for potential sources
     Using data of surface ruptures produced by30earthquakes of M7or greater in the Tibetanplateau, this thesis fitted the relationship between magnitude and rupture length by statistics. Withreference to previous work, earthquake magnitudes are estimated using this relationship and theirdifferences relative to instrumental magnitudes are calculated. These differences are classified intopositive (meaning greater values) and negative (smaller values) for comparison. It is found that thestrike-slip faults with positive differences lie mostly on boundaries of blocks or sub-blocks, whilethose with negative differences are within block or sub-blocks and at intersections of faults. Bystatistical analysis to these difference values, this work provides reference values of uncertaintiesfor correction, which can help reduce the uncertainty in upper limit of magnitude estimation.
     (3)Determination of potential seismic sources and seismic risk calculation
     For the Xianshuihe fault zone, this work determines locations and sizes of asperities on itssources. First, using stress distribution from small earthquakes, all asperities in potential sources,which are determined by fault segmentation etc. in previous work, are delineated. Then, accordingto the asperity model in this thesis, the size of each asperity is calculated. The results show that theasperities A is60.71km long, B is38.13km long, and C is78km long which is estimated by stressheterogeneity. Based on the relationship between the length of asperities and magnitude (Ms),which is established in this work, the upper limit magnitudes of asperities A, B, and C are solvedto be7.5,7.3, and7.8, respectively. Finally, their recurrence probabilities in the future100yearsare calculated to be5.558E-03,1.6693E-02, and5.91E-04, respectively.
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