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目的及意义 血吸虫病(Schistosomiasis)为世界性分布、危害严重的
     方法及结果 首先分别利用SDS-PAGE和双向电泳技术对日本血吸虫
     线索,检索查得编码曼氏血吸虫肌动蛋白的 CDNA(ShactZ夕,据此设
     扩增出一 11 31 hP的 CDNA片段。测序结果表明该片段为编码日本血吸虫
     肌动蛋白基因的完整阅读框 CDNA,与 ShaCtZ cDNA序列同源性为
    一 率为28.40,肝脏减卵率为29.2O,和对照组比较,P刃.05差异显著,显示
     虫,检索查得曼氏血吸虫 CDNA片段(SmGC),该片段编码曼氏血吸虫
     SjGCPj,编码的氨基酸序列同源性为 84.l%。将其克隆到表达载体
     达产物(均GCP八分子量约 29kD。利用兔抗日本血吸虫成虫粗抗原血
     清进行 Western检测,在预测位置出现了明显的识别条带,说明 TSjGCPI
     为进一步研究 SjGCP]的核酸免疫特性,将其克隆到真核表达载体
     PCDNA3中,得到的重组质粒直接免疫昆明系小鼠,设不含 SjGCP]的
[Objective] Schistosome parasites are unique among the trematodes that the sex are separate. The development and fertility of the female Schistosome is completely dependent on continuous pairing with male .Unpaired female remain stunted and sexually immature .lnterested in this phenomenon, the study attention in this field have been focused on interaction between the male and female worm. In an effort to shed more light on the molecular mechanism of development and sexually mature of Schistosoma and the effective measure for the prevention of Schistosomiasis , our research aim is to study the sexspecific genes adult worm of Schistosoma japonicum (Chinese strain) and further to investigate their protective immunity.
    [Methods and Resultsl The study on sex-differentiation of proteins between male and female adult worm of Schistosoma was carried out firstly SDSPAGE -and Two-electrophoresis were used to analyse the sex difference of protein. The SDS-PAGE revealed that female has more proteins than male, but the amount of two molecular(79kDa~. 43kDa) are much more in male than those in female .The female,by comparison, has more amount of four protein polypeptides(35kDa 28kDa ~. 25kDa 22kDa) .The significant sexdifference of proteins were further detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis .A smear consisting of several dots with an MW of 43kDa and a isoelectric point (p1) of 5.60 ?5.90 is longer in the male than that in the female. The female has at least 7 specific molecular(38kDa,pI 5.71; 38kDa,pI 5.65; 35kDa,pI 5.70; 35kDa,pI 5.58; 32kDa,p15.72; 22kDa, p1 5.45; l8kDa,pI
    5.40)which have not been find in male worms .It shown that sex-differentiation of proteins between male and female adult worm of Schistosoma japonicum is significant.
     Based on the result of the above, a pair of primers were designed according to the published SmAct2 to amplify a 1131 bp eDNA fragment by RT-PCR from adult Schistosoma japonicum (Chinese strain) mRNA
    Sequence analysis indicated that this fragment, named SjAct, with 92% homology to SmAct2, was a complete ORF of eDNA encoding actin of Schistosomajaponicum (Chinese strain). SjAct was cloned into the expression vector pET28a(+) and subsequently expressed in Escerichia co/i. SDS-PAGE, revealing that the expression of the product, named rSiA ci, was very effective. Probed with the rabbit serum immunized against Sj worm antigen preparation, Western Blotting showed that rSiAct has good antigencity. In order to observe the immunity protection induced by the recombinant protein, further study was performed by vaccinating Kuming mice three times with rSjAct. The mice was then challenged with 40 cercariae of Sj I week after the last injection and perfused 7 weeks post-challenge. The reduction rate of worm and liver egg were 28.4% and 29.2% respectively , indicating the significantly protection in animal immunized with rSjA ci.
     We also designed the primers on the basis of published SmGCP encoding Gynecophoral canal protein, and a 868 bp eDNA fragment was amplified by RT-PCR from adult Schistosomajaponicum (Chinese strain) mRNA .Sequence analysis indicated that this fragment, named SjGCPJ, was a conserved region of the gene encoding Gynecophoral canal protein of Schistosoma japonicum (Chinese strain), and the sequence was 86.6% homology to SmGCP, SjGCP1 was also cloned into the expression vector pET28a(+) and subsequently expressed in Escerichia co/i. . SDS-PAGE revealed that the molecular weight of this expressed product ,named rSjGCP1, was around 29kD. Western Blotting shown that S]GCP1 was recognized by the rabbit serum immunized against SI worm antigen preparation The recombinant protein was used to vaccinate Kuming mice .The vaccinated mice were then challenged with 40 cercariae of 5] and perfused 7 weeks after the challenge. 3 5.2% worm reduction rate and
    37.8% liver Egg reduction rate were obtained in the vaccinated mice comparing with the control group. In order to study the immunity effect of Nuclie acid vaccination of S1GCP1, SIGC
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