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As most people thought, the goal of Artificial Intelligence is to construct Agents which can make intelligent behaviors, and it also means that these agents will recreate intelligent human behaviors in all respects. Markov Decision Process (MDP) could be used to describe and process Agent decision problems in large size and probabilistic environments.
     RoboCup is an international competition and scientific activity to prompt decentralized Artificial Intelligence, intelligent robotics and related fields. The 2D competition of soccer simulation league is a branch of RoboCup which is emphasis on Agent decision problems.
     In this dissertation, we have done research on Agent decision problems based on the theory of MDP and the test bed of RoboCup 2D soccer simulation. The three main contributions of this dissertation are as below:
     We design and realize a complete 2D soccer simulation team system which is called WE2009. WE2009 is based on the theory of Partially Observable Stochastic Games (POSG) and consists of three modules: message parser, high level decision and low level actions. The high level decision module which adopts a structure based on independent behavior generator, can not only make use of the decision time sufficiently, but also increase the efficiency of teamwork.
     We propose a special kind of MDP, which is called Action-Driven Markov Decision Process (ADMDP). We analyze the theory model of ADMDP and propose the algorithm for solving ADMDP. This algorithm based on offline value iteration and online research is used for the proximal dribble problem in 2D soccer simulation. The empirical result shows that it is much better than the old algorithm of our team in Agent’s dribble performance.
     We propose a special kind Markov Game, which is called Formation-based Zero-Sum Markov Game (FZSMG). We analyze the theory model of FZSMG which is used to describe Anti-Mark problem in 2D soccer simulation. We propose a new heuristic method based on formation change to solve the Anti-Mark problem, which gets a better performance in the competition with the opponents depending on mark defense system.
     All above works are realized in WE2009 2D soccer simulation team. This team has participated RoboCup 2009 and RoboCup China Open 2009 and won two champions!
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