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Han Dynasty is an important transitional period of character in which seal character transited to Lishu in ancient and modern. By the Han Dynasty stone on the Qin Dynasty, under the Wei, Jin Dynasty, more than 400 years of tradition for Chinese characters and calligraphy for the study of great significance.
     From the early Western Han Dynasty to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, stone by stone tablets gradually developed into a certain form and function of the giant monument of the system. On the one hand, it resulted of the Han Dynasty stone self-development trend, on the other hand, the Han Dynasty special social culture breeded the wind of singing the praises of somebody through setting a stele. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the rulers focused on filial piety, and protege, Guli its master, to be the main stone-built production and become dry for Li Lu, won the reputation of one of the important ways. As for content, Han Dynasty stone inscription benefaction the tablet accounts for great majority. If judging from shape system, a fraction of rubbing a precipice, writing an inscription, carving stone, sutras inscribed on stones and so on. Content and the shape make diversity. Function purpose is also be unable completely identical, which therefore display the different carving style.
     From ancient text to the modern text is a long evolutionary process, the Han Dynasty stone had provided valuable materials for searching the change of future generations. The Western Han Dynasty stone is Zhuanli miscellaneous Rou, and the undeveloped Lishu in early Eastern Han Dynasty, the spirit of the Lishu perfect stereotypes in H-Ling Dynasty, fully demonstrate the Lishu from childhood to youth, adult development and changes in the process. This paper chooses different stone during the Han Dynasty from the stroke, shape beside the guitar body, the rules, and other areas to analyze the details of Zhuan, page development and evolution of change. Strokes of the writing of enhanced, next to shape the composition of the changes and guitar left-right Shu Chin, the rules will bear the word dredging, and so is the progressive development of the Han Dynasty stone Lishu sound important law.
     During the Han Dynasty stone Lishu except the diachronic development and evolution, and carrier's difference changes is another factor in forming the different style and features of Lishu. Stone with the same period, page briefing Du Silk Book, such as compared to Kim Moon, can also be found between the association and impact of their own to show the unique characteristics of the moment.
     The thesis has time targeted to the Han Dynasty period and has the subjects locked to the Han Dynasty inscriptions text, which is trying to from the dual perspective of the Han Dynasty stone of the physical changes of Chinese characters and calligraphy. In the words of Hanbei detailed analysis, on the one hand, the rise of Inquiry Hanbei social and cultural background, on the other hand, analysis of the development and evolution of Chinese characters, revealed the fundamental characteristics of the host, with a view to the font and display the new understanding of research perspective, the practice of writing, page also has a guiding significance.
    2 叶昌炽撰,柯昌泗评《语石.语石异同评》第150页,中华书局,1994年。
    3 《历代书法论文选》第212页,上海书画出版社,1979年。
    4 《历代书法论文选》第213页,上海书画出版社,1979年。
    7 叶昌炽撰,柯昌泗评《语石.语石异同评》第150页,中华书局,1994年。
    8(汉)班固撰《汉书.食货志上》第l 127页,中华书局,1962年。
    10 王元军《汉代书刻文化研究》第10页,上海书画出版社,2007年。
    19 同上
    20 《辞海》第1857页,上海辞书出版社,1989年。
    26 商志覃《商承祚文集》第47页,中山大学出版社,2004年。
    27 高明《中国古文字学通论》第57页,北京大学出版社,1996年。
    28 同上
    40 高明《古文字学通论》第111页,北京大学出版社,1996年。
    41 邹晓丽《基础汉字形义释源》第135页,中华书局,2007年。
    45 转引自邹晓丽《基础汉字形义释源》113页,中华书局,2007年。
    54 《正字通.目部》转引自李格非《汉语大字典》湖北、四川辞书出版社,第1153页,1996年。
    55 邹晓丽《基础汉字形义释源》第198页,中华书局,2007年。
    61 王云智《字学论集》第98页,河南美术出版社,2004年。
    67 高明《中国古文字学通论》第57页,北京大学出版社,1996年。
    69 《两汉刻划金文》上海书画出版社,2003年。
    70 启功《古代字体论稿》第35页,文物出版社,1999年。
    71 王元军《汉代书刻文化研究》第65页,上海书画出版社,2007年。
    75 启功《古代字体论稿》第35页,文物出版社,1999年。
    76 隶书不同时期的称谓很多,为叙述方便此以“隶书”作总称。
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    84 裘锡圭《文字学概要》第72页,商务印书馆,1988.8
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    89 《四库全书》第277册,184页,商务印书馆影印
    90 启功《古代字体论稿》第28页,文物出版社,1999.3
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    94 《历代书法论文选》第650页,上海书画出版社,1979.10
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