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In the age of economic globalization, enterprises face more and more drastic competitions. Finding the scarce market opportunity information in a complex economic environment quickly has become an urgent request to enterprises for developing new markets and improving their own competitive power. Social network, as an important source of market opportunity information, attracts the growing attention. But there are still many unresolved problems that deserve to be studied both in theoretical research and practice. Under this background, this dissertation uses a social network perspective to study on the market opportunity information search problems which have a wide application prospect and development prospect. Based on theories and methods of market opportunity discovery, behavioral science, social network and knowledge management, this dissertation studies systematically and deeply on the following issues by using the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.
     First, market opportunity information is defined and its characteristics are analyzed. A market opportunity information search behavior mechanism based on problem-solving mechanism is proposed. After the review of relevant literature, the influence factors of market opportunity information search are studied. Aiming at the insufficient theoretical research on social network which is one of these factors, this dissertation studies the relation of social network and market opportunity information search from two views,namely, market opportunity information search in view of dyadic relation level and market opportunity information search in view of multiple relation level.
     Second, construction and characteristics of interpersonal relation in market opportunity information search are analyzed from the dyadic relation level which is the the most basic unit of social system. Four relational characteristics, that is, knowing, emotional support, legitimacy and trust, are analyzed and summarized. The statistical model is built and empirical data are collected from loan managers of a bank in China. The quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) method which is different from traditional statistics testing methods is used to test the model statistically. The result shows that all characteristics except legitimacy influence the market opportunity information search significantly.
     Third, the structure characteristics of whole network and ego-centric network and their impacts on market opportunity information search are studied from the multiple relation level.1) Combined with the characteristics and requests of market opportunity information search, this dissertation revises some behavioral rules in Cowan-Jonard model and builds a new model of market opportunity information interaction based on whole social network. The model is simulated to analyze the relation among the regulation of the network, the individual absorption ability and innovation ability, and the market opportunity information search. 2) Two important roles, namely, market opportunity information core and market opportunity information broker, are proposed by using the centrality measurement method in SNA. 3) Aiming at the problem of individual priority evaluation in market opportunity information search, this dissertation puts forward a market opportunity information reputation model. The model includes two measure indexes: distance (the distance between the searcher and the person being searched) and authority (the individual ability to provide market opportunity information). The SNA methods and AuthorityRank algorithm which is proposd by this dissertation are used synthetically to compute market opportunity information reputation. The algorithm is applied to survey data of a commercial bank and the result is analyzed.
     Fourth, the Enterprise's Social Network for Searching Market Opportunity Information (ESNSMOI) which is unlike traditional enterprise networks is proposed from the view of enterprise staff's organization model. This dissertation proposes four different types of ESNSMOI (Recognition ESNSMOI, Demand-Exploitation ESNSMOI, Supply-Exploitation ESNSMOI and Innovation ESNSMOI) and studies their functions and structures in detail, at last gives two example to illustrate ESNSMOI's application..
     Fifth, a market opportunity information search system based on social network is proposed from the technical level. The system's working principle is studied, the level and working process of the system are designed, the system's structure is analyzed.
     Finally, the dissertation gives conclusion to the contents and the innovative achievements of the research, and presents the future scope, the purpose and the prospect of this topic in further studies.
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