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     文章首先简要介绍了掌纹识别技术的发展和研究现状,然后详细讨论了掌纹识别系统的基本组成以及各个模块的关键技术和发展现状,其中重点研究了掌纹识别算法,对近年来出现的主流方法进行深入的研究,归纳出现有文献中涉及掌纹特征提取的4类算法。具体分析了Gabor小波变换、K-L变换、Fisher线性判别式和包含在类平均图像中判别信息的最优压缩方法在掌纹特征提取中的应用,然后根据各方法的优缺点,将基于时频变换的特征提取算法和基于子空间的特征提取算法结合起来,提出了利用Gabor小波和原空间判别信息K-L变换实现掌纹特征提取的方法。该算法先对掌纹预处理后的灰度图象进行Gabor小波变换,得到掌纹的Gabor特征向量,然后利用原空间判别信息K-L变换的方法将高维特征向量变换到低维空间。该算法既充分利用了Gabor函数优良的特征提取性能,又有效地解决了高维特征的降维处理问题。通过在香港理工大学生物识别研究中心提供的掌纹数据库(the PolyU Palmprint Database)及自行采集建立的私有库实验证明,该算法有较好的鲁棒性和有效性,可以较好地实现掌纹的特征提取和识别。
Biometrics is the technology that uses human body characteristics for automated personal authentication. Personal characteristics including physiological characteristics (such as fingerprint, iris, face, palmprint) and behavioral characteristics (such as pace, signature) are universal, unique and permanent, they are also unforgettable and hard to imitate and forge, so that they can be used to reinforce or even replace the traditional authentication tools. Biometric technology will be widely used in national security system, financial system, e-commerce and other related field.
     Palmprint recognition technology makes use of human palm texture as biometric features to identify human identity. Comparing with other biometric features such as fingerprint, face and iris, palmprint recognition has become a very attractive and best development potential biometric technology by its’abundant information, stable features and easy collection. But, nowadays, the research of palmprint recognition at home and abroad is not as extensive and deep as that of fingerprint recognition, face recognition and speaker identification. According to the detail characteristics of palmprint, this paper makes a deep research to the key technology and core algorithms in palmprint recognition system.
     The current developmental situation on palmprint recognition is briefly introduced in the paper, and then each element in palmprint recognition system and its’key technology is discussed in detail, in this part, Arithmetics mainly used in palmprint recognition in the recent years are studied detailly. In this way, four kinds of arithmetics used in palmprint feature extraction in exitent literatures are summarized. The paper puts emphasis on analysising the following feature extraction methods, Gabor wavelet transform, K-L transform, Fisher linear discriminant, generalized K-L transform, then according to their advantages and disadvantages, banding together the feature extraction method based on time to frequency field transform and the feature extraction method based on subspace, a novel algorithm of palmprint feature extraction using Gabor wavelet and original space discreption information K-L transform is put forward. The arithmetic makes use of Gabor transform to obtain Gabor eigenvector of palmprint from palmprint image that has been processed, and then the original space discreption information K-L transform is used to extract the master components and reduce dimensions of Gabor features. The arithmetic makes full use of Gabor function’s fine capability of feature extraction and also effectively solves the problem of feature’s high dimensions, by experimenting in the PolyU Palmprint Database offered by Hongkong Polytechnic University and self-captured palmprint database, it could be proved that the proposed method has good robust and effectiveness, and could well realized palmprint feature extraction.
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