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    12Klcin和LtoFtus (1993a,1993c)对这种实验程序提出了详细的论证并证实了这种技术的有效性,
    18 Harel, A., Bentin, S. (2009). Stimulus type, level of categorization, and spatial-frequencies utilization:Implications for perceptual categorization hierarchies. Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and Performance.35,1264-1273.
    19利用一个外显的匹配任务因为以前的研究已经表明用一个外显的任务会影响N400波幅的增大(Chwilla et al.,2000; Krcher et al.,2006)。
    20 Harel, A., Bentin, S. (2009). Stimulus type, level of categorization, and spatial-frequencies utilization:Implications for perceptual categorization hierarchies. Journal of Experimental Psythology:Human Perception and Performance.35,1264-1273.
    21利用一个外显的匹配任务因为以前的研究已经表明用一个外显的任务会影响N400波幅的增大(Chwilla et al.,2000; Krcher et al.,2006).

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